The Wildlife SOS team in New Delhi is working shoulder to shoulder with the Delhi Forest Department and the police in search of a young leopard spotted .
The Wildlife SOS team in New Delhi is working shoulder to shoulder with the Delhi Forest Department and the police in search of a young leopard spotted in an Outer Delhi locality, creating panic among residents.
The owner of a farm spotted the leopard in the Alipur area at around 10 am and informed police and forest officials. A search was launched for the endangered spotted cat in the area, which has patches of forested areas with loads of hiding places. The Wildlife SOS team has designed a leopard trap and will be setting this in the area. The location of the trap will be based on the presence of three signs: scat / kill / pugmarks.
The need of the hour is to trap the leopard before it starts preying on the cattle and livestock in the area which will cause a man animal conflict situation.