Year of arrival: 2021

Age at the time of arrival: Approximately 2 years old

Sex: Female

Personality traits: Active and energetic

Facility: Bannerghatta Bear Rescue Centre (BBRC)

Favourite food: Porridge and watermelons

Favourite activities: Playing with ball enrichment filled with treats and climbing on wooden platforms

Background: Millie was rescued from a terrible incident. Forest officials spotted a wild bear limping around large rocks in the Tumkur district of Karnataka, and they immediately contacted Wildlife SOS for assistance. Geared with necessary rescue equipment, our veterinary team reached the location, and found a snare trap wound tightly around her right forelimb. The trap was removed, Millie was in need of urgent medical attention. | READ MORE ABOUT MILLIE

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Delhi NCT Region +91-9871963535
Agra Region (UP) +91-9917109666
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J&K Region +91 7006692300
+91 9419778280