Bear Diary: Arthur’s Tale Of Tumbling Yet Thriving

February 11, 2025 | By Siffer Nandi
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Meet Arthur, a sloth bear with a heartwarming story of resilience and recovery. Rescued from a cruel existence in 2019, Arthur has since found safety and comfort at the Wildlife SOS Agra Bear Rescue Facility (ABRF) in Uttar Pradesh. Now, at 16 years of age, Arthur continues to inspire everyone with his strength, curiosity, and charming habits!

Arthur exploring ABRF
[Photo © Wildlife SOS / Atharva Pacharne]

Arthur, along with four more sloth bears, were saved in the nick of time from being traded as a dancing bear near the Indo-Nepal border. Wildlife SOS, in collaboration with the Jharkhand Forest Department, intercepted the traffickers and rescued all five. Unfortunately, Arthur’s muzzle had been brutally pierced and his teeth had been broken by poachers, a vicious method to control the sloth bear and make him submissive. Arthur was nearly 10 years of age then, and one of the older ones in his group to be rescued.

[Photo © Wildlife SOS / Mradul Pathak]

Arthur and his fellow rescued bears Molly, Ron, Ginny and Charlie, and were lovingly named after the Weasley family from the Harry Potter series. As he comes close to turning 16, Arthur’s personality is a delightful mix of being both friendly and shy. While he loves exploring his field, he also dedicates moments to make quiet observations. After enjoying active and fun-filled hours of play, he often retreats to his hammock or wooden platform to relax in his surroundings. His curiosity is always at a high when he is engaging with new enrichments, and he spends ample time relishing honey or peanut-butter that is spread on them.

[Photo © Wildlife SOS / Mradul Pathak]

Winter is a season Arthur loves! Especially because of the warm comfort his caregivers provide to him. As part of the winter management plan our team follows at the centre every year, Arthur’s den is lined with hay and equipped with heating halogen lamps. He is seen snuggling into hay-filled spots during cold wintry nights, and falling into a deep sleep there. Caregivers have observed how peaceful he looks when asleep, and like to think that he is dreaming about another new enrichment waiting for him!

[Photo © Wildlife SOS / Atharva Pacharne]

One of Arthur’s favourite enrichments is the wooden log puzzle feeder set up in his field that is filled with hidden treats like dates and coconut and is coated with honey. He also loves to play with a scent ball stuffed with roasted gram and peanuts, often batting it around with a lot of enthusiasm!

[Photo © Wildlife SOS / Mradul Pathak]

Arthur may not be the most skilled climber, but nothing has stopped him from attempting to conquer the tallest of trees in his enclosure. An adventure to the top is occasionally joined by a slight tumble or two, but keeps our sprightly bear in good spirits!

[Photo © Wildlife SOS / Kunal Malhotra]

We know by now why Arthur loves to lick his enrichments, but Arthur also has an absolute love for fruits. Watermelon and apples always top his juicy fruity list. Watching him munch on these is a sight of joy for everyone at the centre. 

Arthur’s unending energy often stumps volunteers and visitors at our centre who get to know of his past. Despite the harsh challenges he endured before his rescue, he has embraced his new life with a great spirit. He even shares a special bond with his caregivers, and responds to their care with confidence and trust.

[Photo © Wildlife SOS / Atharva Pacharne]

Whether it’s rolling bamboo logs or attempting to climb higher platforms, Arthur’s days at ABRF remain quite busy (!). He is an exemplary example of the incredible transformation love and care can bring. From a life of captivity and pain, Arthur now experiences one of safety, comfort, and joy. 

If Arthur’s tale has touched your heart, you can support his care and well-being by becoming a monthly donor. Together, we can continue to create brighter days for sloth bears like Arthur.

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