Lakshmi was just a cub when she was snatched away from her mother and her forested home, only to be sentenced to a life filled with misery and pain. She was forced to become a dancing bear and made to perform unnatural tricks for people’s entertainment. The horror Lakshmi had to go through to learn how to dance and perform is unspeakable. She was approximately 7 years old when the Wildlife SOS team rescued her from Uttar Pradesh in 2007.
Emaciated and undernourished, she weighed a measly 80 kilos. It was clear she was often starved and not tended to. She also had a few broken claws and, as the wounds were left untreated, had developed a severe maggot infestation. Lakshmi had been ill-treated for several years by her Kalandar masters and was in a rueful condition, clearly in need of love, care and attention; all of which our team at The Agra Bear Rescue Facility was eagerly waiting to provide her with.

After being with us for 12 years, she’s now thriving. Lakshmi is a happy and active bear who loves honey logs and playing on structural enrichments. Her appetite has also improved, and she has gained a healthy amount of weight. Lakshmi’s keepers Jay Prakash and Bhuri Singh (who she is very friendly with) are thrilled to see her transformation, so are all of us at WSOS.

While she doesn’t like to get her paws muddy in the rain, she loves playing in the pool in summers. Michael Oreo and Nivetha are her best pals and she spends most of the day out in the fields foraging and sniffing out insect mounds with them. She evidently has a soft spot for Michael Oreo as only he is allowed to play with her favourite enrichments.
The undernourished and scrawny bear we once rescued is now a big foodie. She is extremely fond of honey, dates, coconut, jaggery and rice krispie balls. Lakshmi is also quite clever; this lazy gal turns active after her evening porridge since she knows that she’s going to get treats after.On behalf of Lakshmi and the Wildlife SOS family, we would like to thank you for your generous contribution. We are extremely grateful for your support towards our cause and giving her another chance at a better quality of life.