Having lived his life constrained to a small space for years, today, Lallu Master loves exploring the different corners of his free-ranging field. At the time of his rescue in 2003, he was suffering from several mental and physical wounds. His Kalandar masters fed him only what they could afford and the compromised nutrition took a toll on his vital parameters. Lallu’s distorted muzzle still holds scars to his past life but his compromised psychological health is what highlights the aftermath.

Within a few weeks of his arrival at the Agra Bear Rescue Facility, the bear care staff learnt that Lallu Master’s psychological health stood at sensitive crossroads. He would constantly pace around his field, he would get startled at the slightest sound even if it were just the monkeys prancing about! He would also get extremely uncomfortable and anxious while interacting with other bears. Even today, Lallu Master prefers to reside alone, and avoids interacting with the bears in the neighbouring enclosures.

His field is filled with various enrichments ranging from an enrichment ball to elevated platforms, which he seldom climbs. His caregivers have also installed an air cooler in his den which helps regulate the temperature during the night so he can rest comfortably.

Lallu Master (Lallu for short) is nearly 21 years of age and is placed under our geriatric care plan for bears his age, who require special attention. His caregiver is particular about his supplements and medication, and will always coordinate with the veterinary team to update them about his health. Lallu is currently on liver and kidney hector-protectant syrups and joint supplement medication along with calcium supplements, which are combined with his morning porridge.

Lallu walks slowly around his field and is particular about the timings for his fruit platter and porridge. His fruit platter presently contains hydrating fruits such as watermelons, papayas, grapes, pomegranates and mangoes! Lalu aces the art of multi-tasking, or shall we call multi-munching, as he devours the platter in a matter of minutes! His caregiver is left bemused and stifles a giggle every time that he watches Lallu do this.

The most favourite part of Lallu’s day is the time he spends in the pool. The pools in our bears’ enclosures are regularly cleaned and sanitized by the bear care staff in order to ensure that the resident sloth bears remain protected from infections. The pools are filled with cool water and on sunny days, our bears can be spotted delightfully splashing about in the water. Watching Lallu enjoying a good, relaxing soak in his pool fills our hearts with joy and reassurance as he continues to heal from the daunting memories of his past.

His experience as a dancing bear instilled an inherent fear of humans in him, thus making him run in the stark opposite direction wherever he spots an unfamiliar face. Lallu will allows his caregiver to approach him from a safe distance but will often even run away from him, if he feels anxious. To prioritise Lallu’s comfort, we ensure that his caregiver remains the same, as he is well versed with his traits and inhibitions.

The healthy diet and the love and care that Lallu Master has been given at Wildlife SOS has helped him transform from a weak, emaciated bear weighing merely 70 kgs to a healthy, active bear who presently weighs 105 kgs. You can play an important role in supporting Lalu Master’s journey with us at Wildlife SOS by considering becoming a monthly donor or sponsor for his ongoing care and treatment.