August had our Rapid Response Units race against time to aid animals in distress. Operating across four states, for 24 hours each day of the week, these wildlife warriors have rushed to rescue a total of 585 animals in this month!
From injured ungulates to rat snakes, many animals fell victim to accidents and human-animal conflict. Fortunately, concerned calls on our hotlines ensured timely rescue and relief by our team.
The Rapid Response Unit saved 28 mammals and 86 birds from Delhi-NCR. With the monsoon season settling in, the number of birds suffering from dehydration has reduced, but deforestation and acute change in weather continue to remain threats for avians. Many among our rescued birds are chicks, including babies of large peafowls and tiny tailor birds. Baby birds are much more vulnerable owing to their age and flightlessness.

Reptiles in Delhi-NCR are prone to risks as well. Among the 55 saved from the capital city, one was a rather unique case. An Indian rock python was found trapped in the grasp of a net. As the frightened animal struggled against sharp strings, its entanglement seemed to get tighter. However, the snake was safely extricated and once a medical examination revealed a lack of injuries, the reptile was released.
Agra, Uttar Pradesh
Agra in August witnessed the rescue of 98 snakes, 23 birds, and 45 mammals. Monkeys were the most commonly rescued mammals, with a total of 34 rhesus macaques saved during the month. Among the mammals in distress was also a civet cat, which was found in the premises of Agra airport. Upon reaching the site, our team found the civet in an awkward condition — it had its head stuck inside a jar! However, the civet was rescued with utmost safety. Unharmed, it was then released back into its natural habitat.
During this month, our team had to carry out complicated rescues of reptiles as well. One rat snake was caught inside a fridge, while in another case, a large python was inside the water dispenser of a government primary school. A common krait, one of India’s Big Four venomous snakes, was discovered between the handle and the battery panel of a motorbike, necessitating utmost caution for its safe and timely extrication.
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir
Jammu and Kashmir witnessed a total of 22 rescues in August, with all except one (a black kite) being of reptiles. Among them were three Levantine vipers, 11 rat snakes, and four Himalayan trinkets.

Our Rapid Response team in Jammu and Kashmir, led by Education Officer and Programme Head Ms. Aaliya Mir, also rushed to the rescue of three venomous Eastern cliff racers, which were revealed to be juvenile snakelets. Among rescued snakes, rat snakes in particular were extricated from residential areas. After a thorough examination, the snakes were safely released into the wild.
Vadodara, Gujarat
The total number of reptiles rescued in Gujarat totalled 107, with 19 venomous snakes, 62 non-venomous ones, 17 turtles, three crocodiles, and six monitor lizards. . Heavy rains cause water to seep into many snakes’ underground tunnels and dens, which is one of the main causes of these reptiles’ emergence. With their own homes flooded, snakes are forced to flee their dens and seek safety in crowded metropolitan areas. Along with reptiles, the team also saved 89 birds and 32 mammals from various sites of distress in August.
The Wildlife SOS-GSPCA (Gujarat Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) team assisted the Vadodara Wildlife Division to rescue 35 parrots, 13 turtles, and one monkey from being smuggled. Despite private ownership of parrots and turtles being illegal, many of these animals have their freedom in the open wilderness snatched away, and find themselves confined within cages of metal bars.
How can you Help?
With local assistance, our Rapid Response Units race against time in order to preserve the nation’s voiceless creatures.
We strongly advise you to take action if you witness animals in distress or are in the know of any case of poaching and illegal trafficking. Contact the animal welfare organisation or forest officials closest to you, and if you are based in one of our service cities, call the Wildlife SOS Rapid Response Units on our 24-hour hotlines:
Delhi-NCR: +91-9871963535
Agra, Uttar Pradesh: +91-9917109666
Vadodara, Gujarat: +91-9825011117
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir: +91-7006692300/ +91-9419778280