Growing up to 20 feet in length and weighing as much as 90 kilograms, the Indian rock python is one of the longest and largest snakes found in India. It is granted the utmost protection status under Schedule I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. This is a direct response to the substantial threat faced by the species of being hunted for both meat and skin, a prevalent practice in various regions throughout the country. As a consequence of human activities, the natural habitat of pythons has diminished due to fragmentation, degradation, and destruction. These reptiles encounter formidable challenges as they strive to survive in the contemporary urban landscape. Wildlife SOS has undertaken the rescue of several pythons facing life-threatening situations.

Python Pays a Field Visit
Wildlife SOS, in partnership with the Gujarat Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (GSPCA), successfully rescued an Indian rock python from Jambva village near Vadodara. Residents of the village discovered the 5-foot-long python in an agricultural field. Following the successful rescue, a preliminary medical examination indicated that the snake was of sound health. The reptile was transferred to the forest department for additional observation.
Surprise Passenger
A serene morning in the CR Park area of South Delhi took an unexpected turn when a resident made a startling discovery inside his car. In what caused shock to the owner, a massive 6-foot-long python was found inside his vehicle. Wildlife SOS swiftly responded to the situation by dispatching a highly skilled team from the Rapid Response Unit. Upon reaching the location, the team collaborated with the police and forest officials to assess the scenario.
Adept and equipped for such emergencies, a member of the unit carefully slid under the car to locate the snake, which had made its way into the engine area. A meticulous procedure was then carried out, which lasted over half an hour. Once located, the python was safely extricated and placed inside a breathable cloth bag. This was then handed over to the forest officials for releasing the snake into a forested area around Delhi.
Restroom Reptile
The laboratory team at Jalma Institute in Agra stumbled upon a 5-foot-long Indian rock python inside its restroom. They quickly reached out to the Wildlife SOS Rapid Response Unit for assistance. The python was rescued from the toilet and placed in a secure transport container. After undergoing medical examination, the reptile was deemed fit for release.
Such situations show how expanding cities can make living tough for animals. With lesser space to inhabit, snakes and other animals find unusual places within human settlements to hide.
Mealtime Guest
An 8-foot-long Indian rock python made a surprise appearance in the dining area of Sharda World School’s boys’ hostel in Agra. The security guard made sure to report the uncommon sighting to the school authorities so that a fast move could be initiated to secure the reptile. The snake was safely extricated by the Rapid Response Unit after it promptly reached the location. Following a thorough medical examination by Wildlife SOS veterinarians, the python was found to be in good health. The snake was soon released back into a suitable natural habitat, away from human settlements.

In winters, snakes are partially active, but may come out of their burrows to bask in the sun. However, Indian rock pythons being found in unconventional places is also a sign of how human activities have caused an upheaval to wildlife habitats. Timely information can ensure the safety of both reptiles and humans.
Our team operates round the clock, responding to numerous calls for reptile rescues daily. Additionally, we conduct various awareness programmes and workshops to educate and sensitise the public. Equipped with the necessary gear and protective equipment, the Wildlife SOS Rapid Rescue team employs careful and cautious methods when handling reptiles. After the rescue, the reptiles undergo medical observation and are released back into their natural habitat once our veterinary team deems them fit.
Wildlife SOS operates 24×7 emergency rescue helplines in the following cities:
Delhi-NCR – +91 9871963535
Agra & Mathura, Uttar Pradesh – +91 9917109666
Vadodara, Gujarat – +91 9825011117
Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir – +91 7006692300, +91 9419778280
If you ever come across these majestic snakes or any wild animal in distress, do alert our team on these numbers at the earliest!