In November 2018, Wildlife SOS inaugurated the country’s first Elephant Hospital in Mathura with state-of-the-art technology and equipment to provide relief to the elephants that are under our care and have been rescued from a past full of pain and neglect. Now, with about 30 elephants under our care, owing to the unwavering faith of supporters, Wildlife SOS has managed to procure India’s first waterbed that will be used for giving relief to our elephants. Foot ailments, exhausted limbs and swollen joints are the common problems that elephants in captivity suffer from, especially since in the past, they have walked for days on on unnatural surfaces like roads, stone floors and concrete pavements as opposed to the soft mud in a forest.

With the help of this waterbed, it will become much easier for our veterinarians to administer treatment to the elephants that come to the Elephant Hospital. Many a time, it is imperative that two feet or all four feet need urgent medication, depending upon the severity of foot rot and the elephant will need to be laid down. The waterbed allows a soft cushioning to the sides of the elephants that may have bruises or wounds that would hurt if the elephant lies on the side. Waterbeds are particularly helpful in cases of arthritis, which is a chronic and common condition that our elephants suffer from, as it removes the pressure from the spine which allows the spine musculature to relax and be at ease.
As our beautiful Maya takes tender steps on to the waterbed, her exhausted legs feel the relief gradually coursing through the veins and she lifts her trunk for the approval that we need! The waterbed will be extensively useful for application of medication for abscesses on the feet and around toenails as the elephant can lie easily on the waterbed without facing any discomfort while the veterinarians treat them.

On behalf of everyone at Wildlife SOS, and the elephants whose lives will now be pain-free, we thank everyone who contributed to this wonderful venture!