The elephants under our care at the Wildlife SOS Elephant Rescue Centres have a routine charted out for them to suit their needs. Their caregivers are always around to ensure that the elephants are comfortable and never stressed. Just like all our elephants, Nina also has a routine that she’s steadily settling into and in fact, now eagerly awaits the arrival of her caregiver who she has formulated a special bond with.
With the help of this interesting photo blog, we take you on an interesting journey on what our dear Nina does in a day!
Nina is an extremely docile and shy elephant, while this may possibly stem from her loss of vision, it often surfaces in the slow, careful way she walks. Each morning when she wakes up, earlier than the other elephants, she will be seen quietly walking around the field in her enclosure, while her caregiver makes his way to check on her.

Nina munches on some delicious, juicy watermelons before her treatment begins.

After relishing her morning meal, it is time for Nina’s treatments to begin at the Wildlife SOS Elephant Hospital. These extensive treatments include laser therapy massages, application of medication and ice fomentation for her inflamed muscles.

Since Nina is blind, the veterinary team has curated a special eye care routine for her in order to protect her eyes from infection. Her caregiver cleans her eyes every day to clear any embedded debris which may cause irritation and discomfort.

Methylcellulose eye drops are important to lubricate the eyes, especially when they lose the natural ability to do so. This is evident in Nina’s case as the veterinary ophthalmologists suspect that her eye may have been intentionally perforated!

The veterinary team conducts regular ophthalmic examinations for blind elephants under our care to assess the condition of the eye.
The treatments conclude with Nina and her caregiver walking back to the enclosure, with Nina gobbling some ripe bananas as a reward for her cooperation.

She spends the rest of the day in her field, taking relaxing dust baths or basking under the setting sun. The field staff has noticed that Nina sleeps on her own at around 10pm or 11pm at night, only to be awake at the break of dawn when the birds are around.

Her recovery is still a long road ahead and she will require your continued support for the same. Please consider becoming a monthly donor or a sponsor for our dear Nina and witnessing, firsthand, how your contribution changes her life.