One of the most lovable and friendly sloth bears at the Wildlife SOS Agra Bear Rescue Facility, Elvis’ life today is a stark contrast to what it was when he was rescued in 2015. He was only a couple of months old when poachers snatched him away from his mother, possibly killing her in the process. His delicate nose had been brutally pierced with a red hot iron poker, and Elvis was sold as a ‘dancing’ bear in Nepal, where this cruel practice still persists.
The trauma of being forcefully separated from his mother and possibly even a sibling, and the excruciating pain inflicted upon him by his poachers had taken a severe toll on little Elvis, leaving him with severe physical and emotional scars. When he first arrived at the centre, Elvis was shivering with fright and would cower in a corner, because he associated people with pain as that is what he had experienced till then. Our veterinarians and caregivers would speak to him gently, and coax him into eating his meals, in an attempt to calm him down. Over time, Elvis realised that our team members posed no threat to him, and he developed a strong bond of trust with his caregiver.
To initiate his socialising, Elvis was moved to an enclosure with bears who were around his age – Bean, Bintha and Rose. Elvis was quick to become best friends with Bean, who had been rescued from a similar situation with his sister Bintha. After suffering from prolonged illness, Bean passed away, and his absence was felt by each of his enclosure mates. Elvis closely bonds with Bintha and Rose, and they keep each other active and playful.
Elvis is not very picky when it comes to food – he enjoys porridge mixed with honey as much as chopped watermelons, dates or coconuts!