Year of arrival: 2015
Age at the time of arrival: 4 years old
Sex: Female
Personality traits: Curious and playful
Facility: Bannerghatta Bear Rescue Centre (BBRC)
Favorite foods: Watermelons and Coconut
Favorite activities: Relaxing on her hammock enrichment
Special needs or accommodations: Enrichments have been adjusted for Hamsi because of her inability to climb high after the gunshot injury
Background history: Hamsi was found with a bullet lodged in her left shoulder. Left in immense pain and unable to forage like she would normally do, she began to venture into human habitations in search of easily available food. Hamsi was in dire need of medical help and Wildlife SOS came to her aid by bringing her to the Bannerghatta Bear Rescue Centre. Her injury was so grave that it left her with a permanently affected gait.