Year of arrival: 2017
Age at the time of arrival: 3 months old
Sex: Male
Personality traits: Mowgli, though quite sociable, has a funny way of greeting new visitors. He either charges at them for fun, or sneezes on them!
Facility: Agra Bear Rescue Facility (ABRF)
Favorite foods: Honey-laced porridge
Favorite activities: Climbing trees, honey logs
Special needs: Enrichments such as log platforms and hammocks
Background history: Mowgli was found struggling to feed from his dead mother, who had been electrocuted by poachers. He was just 10 weeks old then. Alone and defenceless, Mowgli would have to struggle to survive in the wild without his mother. The scared and confused cub was rescued and brought to the Agra Bear Rescue Facility. Gradually, his fear of human beings faded, and Mowgli started to trust his caregivers and vets who provided him with bottles of milk and lots of love. A healthy, stocky bear, Mowgli displays himself as the king of the centre – and is treated like one, too!