Year of arrival: 2010

Age at the time of arrival: 30 years old

Sex: Female

Recognisable features: Symmetrical depigmentation on the border of both her ears; outwardly bent right hindleg

Health condition when rescued: Damaged hindleg, diffused joint; malnourished and weak 

Facility: Elephant Conservation and Care Centre (ECCC)

Favourite food: Sugarcane and watermelon

Closest to: Laxmi and Chanchal

Favourite activities: Going on walks with Laxmi and Chanchal

Background: Bijli spent most part of her young life as a begging elephant in the streets of Agra, and was never given adequate nourishment. Bijli survived a road accident involving a speeding vehicle, but was left with severe injuries that have permanently affected her gait. | READ MORE ABOUT BIJLI

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