Year of rescue: 2012
Age at the time of rescue: 16 years
Sex: Female
Personality traits: Mischievous and playful
Recognisable features: Ends of both her ears are torn; symmetrical depigmentation on the borders of her ears
Present health condition: Presently not undergoing any treatment; medicated foot bath for her feet given occasionally
Facility: Elephant Conservation and Care Centre
Favourite food: Raw bananas and watermelons
Closest to: Bijli
Favourite activities: Pool-time is her favourite time as well as a dip in the river Yamuna
Background history: A tragic collision with a truck on a highway in Noida left Chanchal broken and battered, with bruises and serious wounds covering her entire body. When Chanchal was brought to the Wildlife SOS Elephant Conservation and Care Centre, she could barely take her own weight and had a permanently diffused hind leg due to the accident and was in immense pain. However, with the dedicated care of our team of veterinarians, her wounds healed and we saw a completely different side to Chanchal, who was quirky and playful!