Year of rescue: 2019

Age at the time of rescue: 45 years old

Sex: Female

Personality traits: Timid, gentle

Recognisable features: Completely blind in the right eye, taller than Holly 

Present health condition: Kalpana is presently undergoing laser therapy for her front right leg, as well as medicated footbaths for the abscesses around her toenails and her footpads

Facility: Treatment Unit at ECCC

Favourite food: Sweet potatoes and watermelons

Closest to: Holly

Favourite activities: Going on long walks with Holly

Background history: Kalpana was rescued in April, 2019 as a begging elephant from Uttar Pradesh, in 2019, owned illegally by a Godman who used her as a money-minting machine. Her owner would paint on her trunk and her forehead to hide her scars and wounds that spoke of her abusive and neglected past. The mental trauma that she underwent led her to be a timid, scared elephant that she was until Wildlife SOS came for her rescue. | READ MORE ABOUT KALPANA

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