Year of arrival: 2021
Age at the time of arrival: Approximately 20 years
Sex: Female
Recognisable features: Prolonged periods of being tied up in an extreme posture has permanently altered her front legs at a slanted angle
Health condition when rescued: Frail health, aching feet and a wounded body riddled with abscesses; an abnormal posture which led to changes in the soft tissues and the bone structure of her body; emaciated hindlimbs, cracked toenails and foot pads, broken tush on the right side and inflammation of skin on paws (pododermatitis)
Facility: Elephant Hospital Campus (EHC)
Favourite food: Watermelon, followed closely by banana and sugarcane
Favourite activities: Still under observation
Background history: Pari had been made to work under harsh conditions as a begging elephant. When not begging, she would be tied with ropes and chains for long hours, which has resulted in an extremely abnormal posture. The Wildlife SOS team rescued Pari from her misery and brought her to its Treatment Unit so that she could receive urgent medical care. | READ MORE ABOUT PARI