Year of rescue: 2010
Age at the time of rescue: 30 years old
Sex: Male
Personality traits: Mostly gentle but aloof and doesn’t like interference
Recognisable features: Blunt, medium sized tusks capped with gold
Present health condition: He is healthy; dietary supplements to boost his internal strength are given in his cooked concentrate, and healing footbaths for the limbs
Facility: Elephant Conservation and Care Centre
Favourite food: bananas, sugarcane
Favourite activities: swimming in the pool and playing with a tyre enrichment
Background history: Rajesh was rescued in 2010 after more than ten years of abuse and neglect as a performing elephant in a circus. He had been severely beaten and tortured, forced to perform unnatural tricks for the amusement of the audience and left chained in unhygienic and painful conditions. When he was rescued, Rajesh had incredibly weak legs that needed immediate medical attention. With dedicated veterinary care and lots of affection, we’ve managed to restore Rajesh to health, and he is now a much calmer, happier elephant. His legs are much better now and he can now go on long walks, when he isn’t spending his time playing in his private pool or munching on fruit. | READ MORE ABOUT RAJESH