Year of rescue: 2015
Age at the time of rescue: 18 years old
Sex: Male
Personality traits: Playful and energetic
Recognisable features: Prominent, capped tushes
Present health condition: Healthy; not undergoing any treatment except regular footbaths.
Facility: Treatment Unit at ECCC
Favourite food: Green fodder and peanuts
Closest to: Solitary in nature; lifts his trunk to acknowledge Peanut and Coconut in the enclosure next to his
Favourite activities: Running around his enclosure and giving himself dust bath
Special needs: To facilitate neck exercise and movement, Walnut’s hanging haynet enrichment is filled with green fodder and jaggery which he strategically dismantles!
Background history: Walnut was rescued along with 3 other elephants from a circus in Maharashtra in 2015. At the age of 18 years, he was subjected to a lifetime of abuse and torture where he had to perform unnatural tricks for the sake of entertainment. When he arrived at the Wildlife SOS Treatment Unit, he was aggressive and uncomfortable as the only experience he had with humans was one that caused him pain. | READ MORE ABOUT WALLY