Caring for over 30 rescued elephants, everyday that is spent caring for these gentle giants becomes the best opportunity for us to appreciate them. The way to a pachyderm’s heart is definitely through the stomach so over the last couple years, our team has been organising the annual ‘Jumbo Buffet’ in honour of Elephant Appreciation Day!
Every year, the elephant care staff puts together an elaborate feast for our rescued elephants to celebrate and honour the time that we have spent taking care of them! The celebrations start with our team chopping kilos of fruits and vegetables followed by carefully arranging the lavish spread out on the field for the elephants to find while on their way back from their routine walks..
This day became even more special as Zara and Karma celebrated their first feast with us at the Wildlife SOS Field of Dreams. In the loving company of her herd, Karma enjoyed munching on fresh watermelons, while strategically avoiding pumpkins! Kalpana, Holly and Karma excitedly trumpeted and were quick to finish their feast only in a matter of minutes, stretching their trunks out in anticipation of another helping.

Completely enjoying the monsoon season, Zara was foraging on the fresh patches of grass when her keeper called out to her and she timidly walked up to the lavish spread of her favourite watermelons. She wasted absolutely no time and lifted her trunk in delight after finishing her share!

At the Wildlife SOS Elephant Conservation and Care Centre, there were excited trumpets and rumbles that filled the air as the keepers brought the elephants to the delicious and fresh fruit feast that awaited them!

Our elephants have been rescued from brutal and abusive conditions, deprived of love, care and proper nutrition for the most part of their lives, which is why watching them enjoy this special feast fills our heart with immense joy and allows us to cherish the valuable moments that we have spent with them! Your contribution plays an intrinsic role in allowing us to care for the elephants in the way that they rightly deserve.
Here is a glimpse of how our rescued elephants enjoyed their mammoth meal of fresh watermelons, musk melons, apples and bananas, squeaking and rumbling enthusiastically!