Team Google celebrates Environment day with our sister organisation, Friendicoes.

June 18, 2014 | By dw
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This Environment day, on 5th June 2014 , our sister organisation Friendicoes SECA had members of Google team working as volunteers to help bathe and walk the dogs there. The volunteers who arrived at the shelter in the morning were seen eagerly taking the dogs out for a walk while some were seen enthusiastically giving a bath to the dogs. Later, after all the dogs were given a bath, they were taken out to the lawns to soak in the sun! Even the dogs could be seen having a gala time, all very friendly and playful with the volunteers.

All the volunteers from Google were seen interacting with Wildlife SOS co-founder Kartick Satyanarayan, who arrived just in time to capture some precious moments that the volunteers were having with the dogs. A visit to the Elephant Conservation and Care Center is also on the cards for the volunteers from Google. It was a wonderful experience for Friendicoes, Wildlife SOS as well as for the Google employers.

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