Looking at how animated Kanmani is in her field, many have been astonished to learn that this very bear was saved from torture and trauma.
Kanmani was rescued by Wildlife SOS in 2008 when she was just a year and half old. At such a young age, she had already been subjected to immense abuse and cruelty by her Kalandar owners, who used her as a ‘dancing’ bear on the streets of Uttar Pradesh. Kanmani was found to be malnourished and dehydrated. She had a grave wound on her nose caused by the rope penetrating it. This rope was constantly tugged in order to control her. The Wildlife SOS team also discovered that she had an abnormal gait that required immediate medical attention. Given how neglected she had been, Kanmani was brought in for long-term care at the Agra Bear Rescue Facility. She was finally freed from facing beatings, and no longer had to forcibly perform ‘dances’ on demand.

Now a little over 18 years old, Kanmani has been given humane care by our expert team of veterinarians and caregivers ever since she arrived at the centre. With the nourishing diet, love and attention Kanmani has received, she has transformed from a weak, emaciated bear into a healthy bear weighing 95 kgs! Not only does she remain active through the day, she also displays her enthusiasm for every activity she indulges in!
Kanmani can be seen climbing over the many large, cemented pipes that have been placed in her field. Since these culverts are open at both ends, they also act as tunnels for her to comfortably crawl into! Playing with her enclosure mates is high up on Kanmani’s daily task list— she makes sure to never miss this out. While she cheerfully interacts with Tarini and Champa, she has a special fondness for Kabilan who shares her levels of energy. So unique is their bond that if one walks in a certain direction, the other is seen following closely. Even though the two love to sleep on the raised wooden platform, they are also the first ones to successfully tear it apart! Together, Kanmani and Kabilan delightfully explore their vast field through the sunny parts of the day, and just as evening sets in, become wholly engrossed in digging out termites and ants to snack on. Their friendship is one that is most talked about at the centre!

The pool is also a favourite spot for Kanmani in her field. Once inside, she splashes water on Kabilan and the rest so they could join the fun! Scent balls, puzzle feeders, and wooden logs make for the rest of the enrichment items that our caregivers strategically place in or around each pond. Extracting chopped, juicy fruits like watermelon and papaya, or dates, chikki (sweet dish made from nuts), coconuts, murmura (puffed rice), and jaggery that are stuffed within these enrichments satiate the appetites of Kanmani and her friends, and encourages them to physically exercise as well. A generous coating of honey on each keeps the bears joyfully preoccupied!

During hot summer days, sloth bears prefer to stay inside their dens. However, Kanmani, being a sprightly one, can be seen climbing trees at full speed to escape the ground’s heat and enjoy the view from the top! Before ascending, she can often be seen scratching the barks of trees with her long claws — an act of leaving her mark that is common to sloth bears in the wild. Besides this, Kanmani keeps herself cool by sitting directly under the sprinkler installed in her field to enjoy the drizzle. Her companions, Champa, Kabilan, and Tarini, soon follow her lead and circle around the wet space to feel refreshed in the heat.
Along with sprinklers, the summer management care for the bears includes the provision of green agronets for sufficient shade, fresh water, and dietary enhancements. Fruits of the season like watermelon, muskmelon, and sun melon that are rich with water are provided to keep them hydrated. Kanmani and her friends also enjoy special summer treats in the form of ice popsicles! Seasonal fruits are cut and frozen in honey-infused water, offering the bears a cool delight to lap up. At ABRF, each feeding den is also fitted with air coolers to give bears additional relief. The caregivers never leave a chance to put their best foot forward in caring for the rescued bears.
Kanmani and her companions receive their meals three times every day. The first is a morning meal of mixed millet porridge that arrives by 10 am. A big plate of fresh fruits comes in next around 12.30 pm, and another round of nutritious porridge is served at 4.30 pm in the evening.
Sloth bears are known for their loud vocalisations that are audible to anyone standing up to 200 yards away. This is perhaps why caregivers can hear Kanmani slurping her porridge from a good distance! Kanmani and her companions are big foodies, and gulp down their hot meal entirely within a few minutes of it being served. Such is their eagerness that they do not even wait for the porridge to slightly cool down. After finishing her porridge, Kanmani looks her caregiver in the eye, as if telling him to quickly refill her bowl with more!

Kanmani is being given round-the-clock care at the Wildlife SOS centre. It is due to the generosity of our supporters that Kanmani and many other bears like her are receiving the care they deserve. Please consider contributing to her upkeep by clicking here.