Having been separated from his family at a tender age, Rama, the makhna or tuskless elephant, has suffered nothing but pain for the first 25 years of his life. As his mind, body and spirit were broken by the cruel process of phajaan, this gentle giant has been unfamiliar with human kindness all along. Elephants are cared for and protected by their herd in their younger age. However, Rama’s early years were spent under cruel captivity that were marred by malnutrition, leaving him severely emaciated with visible bony prominences.

Rama was forced to walk on harsh surfaces of narrow streets amidst the screeches of automobiles as a begging elephant. Along with this, he was also being used as a prop in wedding processions, surrounded by loud and jarring noise. Finally, Rama’s life of trudging through a dark tunnel shone a bright light in October 2023, when he arrived at the Wildlife SOS Elephant Hospital Campus in Mathura.
Rama’s owner had heard about the Wildlife SOS Elephant Hospital through our outreach programs, so when he was unable to care for Rama’s severely declining health, he reached out to the Mathura Forest Department. Upon seeing Rama’s frail physical condition, the forest officials immediately directed Rama under Wildlife SOS’ care. This pachyderm was in need of urgent medical attention and care.

Rama’s Health Condition
As soon as Rama reached our centre, our team conducted an examination to assess the pachyderm’s health. The elephant’s physicality reflected extreme dehydration. Rama has corneal opacity in both his eyes, with a continuous discharge from the right eye. Visible wounds on the weak pachyderm’s ears narrate the brutality he was facing from repetitive prods of a bullhook.

Temporal depressions and bones jutting out against his skin suggest that Rama has been suffering from prolonged malnutrition. Our veterinarians have indicated that Rama’s elbow regions, which lie on the front legs of elephants, were at risk of developing hygroma. A huge swelling was noticed on the right dorsal aspect of Rama’s thorax. A swollen part on the right side of his forelimb below the wrist joint hints at the potential development of an abscess.

Being bound by spiked chains has left Rama with multiple septic wounds on his limbs. To assess the impact of these neglected injuries, our veterinarians performed thermal imaging of the pachyderm’s front and back legs. The results revealed swelling in Rama’s limbs, chronic abscesses, and overgrown toenails on all feet.

Excessive thinning was noticed on the elephant’s hind foot pad, an unfortunate consequence of being coerced to walk on scorching tarmac roads. Our medical team noted Rama’s uneven weight distribution. Rama suffers from spinal dorsal damage as well, resulting from the weight he was forced to carry on his back.

Initial examinations also revealed sore injuries all across Rama’s body caused by coarse ropes. The worst wounds he sustained were at the base of his tail due to the constant movement of the rope that was passed through it. This rope burn had also become infected with pus. To help Rama recover, our caregiving team has been applying neem and turmeric water, which is followed by an antiseptic dressing. These are precautionary steps to prevent any further infection in the area while the skin heals.
Additionally, Rama is being treated with laser therapy, which plays an important role in alleviating his joint pains. Radiation from the laser therapy machine targets pain points to provide relief, thus raising the speed of healing.

A New Taste of Life
Staying true to our custom of warmly welcoming our new residents, a magnificent fruit feast was laid out for Rama as well. As we watched him approach the bounty with measured steps, we witnessed how the gentle pachyderm underwent denial when it came to the food his body required. For Rama, this was more than just food; it was a taste of liberty that promised him a life brimming with care and compassion!

As he came forward to pick up the firsts of his fruits, Rama showed an inclination towards bananas and watermelons over all the other fruity delights. Ever since then, we have noticed that his immense love for fruits greatly surpasses his desire to consume the nutritious porridge that is offered to him!
After facing intense trauma under bondage, Rama is now experiencing a life free from subjugation and commands. Now released from physical and psychological shackles, he is receiving utmost care, deep affection and much-needed attention that he truly deserves.
To make him feel comfortable as he begins his journey towards healing is a dedicated commitment that our team has made. Bull elephants prefer to remain solitary, and as per the advice of our veterinarians, Rama will be housed in a separate enclosure as well.
In his field, the softness of earth is bound to provide comfort to Rama’s thinning foot pad and aching joints. Our caregiving team is creating mud beds in his space to provide Rama support to him as he rests, and allow him to get back to his feet with relative ease right after. Customised food-based and structural enrichments are also ready to welcome Rama into his new and lush surroundings!

Our veterinarians and caregivers are conscious that Rama would require some time to establish a strong bond of trust with them. However, by being persistently patient and kind, they are confident of achieving this as Rama recovers.
Rama has given us a sneak peak into his vivacious personality — we have observed him playing enthusiastically with mud, and this fills our heart with hope and happiness! You too can help Rama adapt to his new and unbound life by sponsoring him!