2021 Elephant Rescue Recap – Four Beautiful Ladies!

December 6, 2021 | By dw
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Much like 2020, the uncertainty of COVID lockdowns and restrictions posed significant obstacles to overcome for our rescue teams. But these added challenges didn’t slow our efforts to help as many captive elephants as we could, bringing four new members to the Wildlife SOS family. Please welcome Emma, Nina, Pari and Ginger!


This 40 year old elephant was forced to walk on blazing tarmac roads, stone surfaces and narrow streets. Her delicate foot pads were torn thin with pebbles, metal scraps, broken glass and rusted nails. To add to her misery, she was forced to consume alcohol by her abusive owner to alleviate her pain and continue her torment of walking. That seems like a world away now that Emma knows nothing but love, care and kindness with her friends Maya and Phoolkali.

See Emma make new friends at the Wildlife SOS Elephant Hospital Campus.

Learn more about Emma | Watch videos of Emma | Follow Emma’s Rescue


Nina spent six decades laboring on the streets of Uttar Pradesh. We knew she had impaired vision, but we later learned she was likely intentionally blinded by her cruel owner. Night and day she walked to wedding after wedding and begged on narrow city streets. We didn’t know if Nina would ever trust a human again, but then we learned her secret love of watermelon and our caregivers won her over.

Watch Nina enjoy the simple pleasures she’s never been able to experience.

Learn more about Nina | Watch videos of Nina | Follow Nina’s Rescue


We’ve only had this young lady for a week, but she’s already stealing our hearts. Her body is battered and she can barely walk, but her spirit is strong as she responds well to the newfound kindness around her. Not long ago she looked completely defeated, and when we saw her we knew we had to take action immediately. We can’t wait to see Pari’s personality blossom, and her youthful enthusiasm is already starting to shine.

Watch Pari take her first steps of freedom at the Wildlife SOS Elephant Hospital.

Learn more about Pari | Watch videos of Pari | Follow Pari’s Rescue


This senior citizen is completely blind and suffering from severe foot and joint problems. She has only been with Wildlife SOS for a few days, after a marathon week of elephant rescues. As we learn more about Ginger our heart breaks for what she has had to endure. At the same time, we’re overjoyed that she has now joined the Wildlife SOS family and will finally experience the love and care she needs. We’re so excited to see her form the security and confidence of a herd she’s never had.

Watch blind Ginger tentatively discover kindness, care and safety at Wildlife SOS.

Learn more about Ginger | Watch videos of Ginger | Follow Ginger’s Rescue

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