Rainy Rescues: Wildlife SOS Saves Reptiles In Vadodara

As the monsoon season brings heavy rains, Vadodara is inundated with reptiles. Consequently, the Wildlife SOS-GSPCA helpline gets flooded (pun unintended!) with rescue calls from in and around the city. During this period, the rescuers roll up their sleeves and prepare themselves for more calls than usual. To their surprise, the team rescued six[…]

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Rhino Horns, Elephant Ivory Seized After Busting Smugglers In Vadodara

In a massive wildlife trafficking raid that took place in western India’s Gujarat, the Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB) Mumbai, Gujarat Forest Department and the Wildlife SOS-GSPCA team seized two rhinoceros horns and elephant ivory products. The raid took place at a shop in Raopura area near Vadodara city. Four people involved have been[…]

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Monsoon And Crocodile Rescues Go Hand-In-Hand In Vadodara

During monsoons, the landscape of Vadodara transforms into a waterscape, when the roads in the city and its outskirts flood. Submerged streets then become an extended abode for a prehistoric reptilian denizen. Gujarat happens to be one of the largest habitats for Mugger crocodiles (Crocodylus palustris) in the country, with an estimated[…]

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Wildlife SOS Rescues Biggest Crocodile Of The Season Near Vadodara

Measuring a jaw-dropping 11.5 feet in length, Wildlife SOS rescued its biggest crocodile of the season. The Wildlife SOS Rapid Response Unit, operating in collaboration with the Gujarat Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (GSPCA), rescued the enormous Mugger crocodile from Dumad village situated near Vadodara in the state of[…]

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Ways Of Conserving Snakes In Vadodara

Change is a 6-letter word, but facilitating change is a lengthy procedure requiring enormous time and commitment. To bring a change regarding the conservation of a certain reptilian, Wildlife SOS established a 24x7 rescue helpline in 2010, in tandem with the Gujarat Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (GSPCA). Operating in Vadodara,[…]

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Crocodile City: Rescuing Crocodiles in Vadodara

Vadodara, previously known as Baroda, is a mystical city brimming with heritage and culture. Once under the rule of dynasties, Vadodara has transformed into an industrial metropolis thumping with the rhythm of modern-day life. Expansive land, forts, and palaces have been replaced with tall modern buildings. With the Vishwamitri river gushing […]

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Over a 100 Parakeets and Tortoises Rescued in Vadodara!

In continuation of their efforts to crack down on the illegal pet trade and wildlife trafficking in Vadodara, Gujarat, the Wildlife SOS-GSPCA (Gujarat Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) has been gathering valuable intelligence through undercover informants. After months of surveillance, the team conducted checks on the respective[…]

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Over Fifty Parakeets and Tortoises Seized in Vadodara Raids!

Caged parakeets or turtles are a very common sight in Indian households. What most people are not aware of is that the possession and trade of native wildlife species is illegal under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. Under the garb of the pet trade, rare and endangered species are smuggled in and out of the country, due to their ever increasing […]

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Rescues From The Helpline — May 2024

The month of May engulfed the whole of India in sweltering heat. This meant harsh living conditions not only for humans, but also for the animals that inhabit various urban spaces. The Wildlife SOS Rapid Response Units are always geared up to assist wildlife caught in situations of distress. During the summer season, our efforts have been[…]

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Rescue From The Helpline — April 2024!

The Wildlife SOS Rapid Response Units are always poised to rescue injured or mistreated animals in need. April was no exception, with our team rescuing a total of 348 animals, including birds, reptiles, and various mammals. Our efforts spanned from rescuing animals illegally held captive to those affected by the intense heatwave and other impacts […]

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Rescues From The Helpline – January 2024

As 2023 was coming to a close and our team was preparing for the new one to set in, the Wildlife SOS rescue teams across the country carried out their life-saving work by ending the previous year on a high note, and beginning 2024 positively. We bring you a recap of the monthly rescues carried out by our Rapid Response Units in the months of[…]

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Rescues From The Helpline — March 2024

The sight of wild animals in our cities is becoming increasingly common. This seemingly strange occurrence has a root cause: habitat fragmentation. Throughout history, human activities have divided and disrupted natural habitats. Forests today are being cleared for agricultural expansion, roads dissect landscapes, and the increasing urban areas[…]

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An Anthology Of Human-Civet Conflict

Owing to how it is commonly called, the civet cat is often mistaken to be a feline. This “cat-like” species or feliform actually holds a lineage that is closer to mongooses and hyenas. Being omnivorous, civets play a vital role in maintaining ecological balance. Feeding primarily on insects and rodents, they act as natural pest controllers,[…]

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Rescues From The Helpline – February 2024!

The Wildlife SOS Rapid Response Unit worked hard in the month of February to address concerned calls received. Our team works tirelessly, seven days a week, to make sure that no animal is in the way of harm. A whopping total of 364 animals were rescued from across the four states where our rescue teams operate from!   From reuniting[…]

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All About Jungle Cats! 

Did you know that India is home to more wild cats than anywhere else in the world? The Indian subcontinent has 15 distinct species of wild cats. However, most of these felines take a backseat when the charismatic megafauna among them attracts the limelight. One such species is the jungle cat (Felis chaus), which finds itself among the 10[…]

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Scales And Tales — The Ravishing World Of Reptiles

Along with furs and feathers, the animal kingdom is made up of another family that is covered in scales and shrouded in misconceptions. We’re talking about reptiles, the cold-blooded animals that find themselves in diverse ecosystems such as forests, deserts, tundras, wetlands, freshwaters, mangroves, and even oceans. Reptiles can easily be[…]

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Fascinating Facts About The Golden Jackal!

Jackals have been associated with diverse perceptions all over the world. In African culture, the jackal is portrayed as a trickster, and Indian folklore describes the animal as being sly and clever. The Bible has a jackal representing loneliness and abandonment, whereas the Egyptian god Anubis, depicted with the head of a jackal, is known for[…]

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If Open Wells Could Talk…

Hidden beneath the lush vegetation, open wells have unwittingly become a hazard for our precious wildlife. Originally dug to quench the thirst of humans inhabiting rural and semi-rural regions and that of crops sown by farmers, wells now pose a threat to numerous animals. The very essence of these open wells serves as a reminder of the intricate[…]

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Flying High, Cutting Deep: The Risks Of Using Chinese Manjha 

Makar Sankranti, also known as Uttarayan, marks the onset of the harvest season as winter transitions to spring. This is a time of jubilation in many parts of India. One of the traditional activities during this festival is kite-flying, where several vibrant kites lift with the wind to fill up the sky. However, amidst the joyous revelry, a dark[…]

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Wildlife SOS Rescues Over 2,300 Reptiles In 2023!

Reptiles have been residents of this planet for millions of years, but habitat fragmentation due to anthropogenic activities poses several challenges to their survival. A new and comprehensive study has shockingly revealed that of the 10,196 reptile species across 24 countries including India, at least 1,829 or 21.1% are threatened with[…]

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Close Encounters With The Indian Rock Python

Growing up to 20 feet in length and weighing as much as 90 kilograms, the Indian rock python is one of the longest and largest snakes found in India. It is granted the utmost protection status under Schedule I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. This is a direct response to the substantial threat faced by the species of being hunted for both[…]

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Rescues From The Helpline – November 2023

As the curtain fell on November, our Rapid Response Units emerged as unwavering guardians of wildlife, addressing distress calls and undertaking daring rescues. Across Agra, Vadodara, Jammu and Kashmir, and Delhi-NCR, our teams navigated diverse challenges, marking another chapter in our relentless pursuit of wildlife[…]

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Wild Highlights Of The Year – 2023!

The year 2023 brought multiple occasions, events and highlights at Wildlife SOS which left a mark on everyone’s hearts. From rescues of wild animals from extreme situations to the introduction of new animals at our centres, we saw it all! Here’s a glimpse of some of our biggest achievements throughout the year.  1. Empowering[…]

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Rescues From The Helpline – September 2023

Our Rapid Response Units were hard at work in the month of September, rushing to help animals in need. Working round the clock for seven days a week, our teams across four states saved 697 wild animals in September alone.  Many of the rescued include massive crocodiles in agricultural fields, severely injured birds, animals caught in[…]

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Rescues From The Helpline – August 2023

August had our Rapid Response Units race against time to aid animals in distress. Operating across four states, for 24 hours each day of the week, these wildlife warriors have rushed to rescue a total of 585 animals in this month!  From injured ungulates to rat snakes, many animals fell victim to accidents and human-animal conflict.[…]

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Wildlife SOS Seized Innocent Leopard Cub in Gujarat Raid

The months of October and November have the Wildlife SOS’ anti-poaching squad Forest Watch focused on apprehending owl traders around the festival of Diwali. The routine hustle and bustle at the Wildlife SOS-GSPCA (Gujarat Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) headquarters in Vadodara came to a standstill when the rescue helpline[…]

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Rescues From The Helpline – October 2023

The Wildlife SOS 24x7 rescue helplines were abuzz with concerned calls from citizens for rescues in the month of October. Increasing urbanisation and habitat encroachment have led to several animal encounters amidst human settlements. However, rising awareness among people has also led to an increase in rescue calls, thereby preventing[…]

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A Thanksgiving Roar For Our Terrific Teams

On the occasion of Thanksgiving 2023, we at Wildlife SOS gather together to celebrate the contributions of each of our teams that have worked tirelessly to help and support the cause of protecting wildlife.  Nearly three decades ago, an idea to care for voiceless animals was born, which sprouted to see the light of success. The objective[…]

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Civets In The City: Unusual Rescues In Agra

Renowned for its historical monuments like the Taj Mahal, the city of Agra also has fascinating stories that deserve attention. Among the numerous wildlife rescue missions that take place, some of the most remarkable ones involve Asian palm civets. These elusive animals often find refuge in the most unexpected locations, leaving our Rapid[…]

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Diwali Brings Dark Tidings For India’s Owls

Diwali, a festival of lights and prosperity that is associated with Goddess Lakshmi, somehow, ironically and tragically, thrusts into darkness the lives of the goddess’ most trusted steed. According to Hindu iconography, each of the deities in our vast pantheon is pictured with an animal chosen as their mighty ‘vahana’, their carrier. In[…]

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Pangolins: New Member, Old Threats, Same Fight For Conservation

Manis mysteria. The mystery lies in the name itself! The elusive ninth member of the pangolin family had long been hiding under plain sight, before recently confiscated scales in Hong Kong and China revealed fascinating new information.  For long, it was thought that the highly endangered pangolin was deemed to have eight species — four […]

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Of Muggers And Men: Crocodile Rescues In September

Encounters between crocodiles and human beings have occurred ever since the very first civilisations cropped up around the freshwater bodies of the world. Already the rulers of riverines since the age of the dinosaurs, these reptiles have come closer to humankind as our populations grow and habitations expand.  To prevent human-wildlife[…]

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Make Your Neighbourhood Nature Friendly!

Blaring sirens, the air thick with exhaust fumes, the sounds of honking cars, and the perpetual greyness that surrounds us… All this happens to be a shared experience for many of us that live in megacities, be it Delhi, London or Beijing. Our surroundings are filled with concrete structures, while the only greenery to be found is in the[…]

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Similarities Across Families: Convergent Evolution In Animals

What is convergent evolution? Well, imagine a dolphin zipping through the ocean at full speed. Now think of a shark, with a similarly streamlined body, cutting through the water. Turn your eyes to the sky, and witness birds and bats flit through the air as they chase their prey, escape from predators or go about their day. Birds accomplish[…]

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The Emotional Intelligence of Different Animals

Do animals have emotions? The question has riddled many minds over the centuries. Art, literature, and cinema have often depicted various animals with an ability to demonstrate emotions just the way humans do. This is largely due to our tendency to anthropomorphise animals, but interestingly, research has shown that animals actually do have a[…]

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Rescues From The Helpline – July 2023

During the month of July, India experienced a combination of scorching heat and substantial rainfall, particularly in the northern regions. With major floods affecting various parts of the country, it comes as no surprise that Wildlife SOS’ 24x7 Rapid Response Units found themselves drenched in numerous animal rescue calls. Delhi[…]

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Helpline Rescues 2023 — A Recap Of The Last 6 Months

With rising awareness on the importance of saving animals, the Rapid Response Units of Wildlife SOS in Delhi NCR, Vadodara, Agra and Jammu and Kashmir have received multiple calls for rescues during the first half of this year. From extracting reptiles stuck in small spaces, to giving the injured birds a chance to fly again — our dedicated team […]

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Ecology And Rescues of Indian Rat Snakes

As concrete jungles replace large swathes of forested land, many animals have taken to an urban lifestyle. Rat snakes are no different. As their preferred prey enter residential areas, these reptiles are close behind, making their homes in gardens, construction sites and crevices of large buildings. However, adaptability often becomes a[…]

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A Star-Studded Problem

Who wouldn’t want a star at their home? After all, raising a star has its own charm and satisfaction. But wait, we aren’t referring to human celebrities. There’s another animal that has garnered the eyeball of human beings by simply being too attractive. The animal in conversation is the Indian star tortoise, which gets its name due to the[…]

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From Dusk Till Dawn: Unmasking The World Of Owls

As the sun sets and darkness blankets the land, a rather mystical figure takes flight. This is no caped knight from a film, but nature's very own superhero: the owl. With an ability to navigate without leaving a trace and hunt with unparalleled precision, they have captured our imagination since time immemorial. Found in myths and folklore[…]

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Rescue, Recovery And Release: Injured Animals Find Solace

In the month of May, the team at the Wildlife SOS Manikdoh Leopard Rescue Centre (MLRC) in Maharashtra undertook several rescue and treatment missions of injured animals. Through their efforts, these animals were given a second chance at life in their natural habitats. Here, we highlight the challenging yet successful rescues of a langur,[…]

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Summer Of ’23: Wildlife SOS Rescues Birds Facing The Heat

Global warming’ has become a buzzword that is used across the media, but what does it really mean for the voiceless mammals, birds and reptiles that suffer the brunt of it? The Earth has heated and cooled several times throughout history, but as per NASA’s paleoclimate record, the current rise in temperatures is unusual. Furthermore, no[…]

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When Do Snakes Need A Helping Hand?

Picture this: It’s a warm Sunday morning, and you’re in your backyard, tending to your recently bloomed flowers, listening to the chorus of chirping birds. Suddenly, you spot an unexpected guest gliding through the lush greenery — it’s a snake! Panic sets in, and your first instinct is to reach out for help. But hold on a second, does the […]

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Rescues From The Helpline – May 2023

From a sand boa stuck between metallic motor pump rings to a spotted deer lost in the open fields – our Rapid Response Units are here to save the day. Operating for 24 hours seven days a week, these rescue teams work tirelessly to relieve animals found in unfortunate situations. Our dedicated units rescued a total of 483 animals in distress[…]

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World Population Day: The Role Of Numbers In Wildlife Conservation

World Population Day is celebrated annually on July 11th, ever since a recommendation was made by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme in 1989. The occasion is aimed to draw attention to the issues related to population (and its monumental rise) worldwide. Understanding the impact of rising human population on our[…]

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Exploring The Rich Avifauna Of MLRC

Nestled within the expansive Western Ghats, the Manikdoh Leopard Rescue Centre (MLRC) and its surrounding areas in Maharashtra are bird watchers' paradise. While the centre serves as a haven dedicated to giving a new lease of life for leopards rescued from distress, its location is known for being a rich hotspot for biodiversity. That is hardly[…]

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Snakes With Legs? The Curious Case of Snake Evolution!

Snakes have been misrepresented in varying degrees across several myths, folktales and even popular media... but did you know that there's one amazing narrative we have all overlooked? From slithering on the ground in the age of dinosaurs to living amidst the nooks and crannies of urban jungles and gardens, snakes have stood the test of time.[…]

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Conservation Imbalance: Charismatic Megafauna v/s The Rest

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” George Orwell’s famous quote from Animal Farm aptly sums up the general attitude towards wildlife conservation. According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the lion’s share (pun intended!) of attention and media coverage goes to big[…]

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Anti-Poaching Raids Save 6 Indian Star Tortoises, 23 Aquatic Species

In the relentless battle against wildlife poaching, Wildlife SOS yet again went an extra mile to save endangered species from becoming victims of illegal pet trade. Six Indian star tortoises and 23 species of aquatic animals were recently rescued from illegal trade in 2 separate rescue operations conducted in Vadodara, Gujarat. Rescued and[…]

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Urban Avians: The Plight Of Black Kites In The City

For urban wildlife, adaptability is a double-edged sword. On one end, several animals are now accustomed to cityscapes and can derive their needs from the urban environment. However, the ever-growing, dynamic cities have also brought unpleasant challenges that need urgent redressal. The black kite (Milvus migrans) is one of the most abundant[…]

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Rescues From The Helpline – April 2023

Rescue helplines are crucial lifelines for wildlife since they connect concerned citizens with skilled wildlife rescuers. These helplines play a significant role in providing distressed wildlife with another chance at life. The Wildlife SOS dedicated Rapid Response Units are always on the move, promptly responding to calls emanating from multiple […]

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Rescues From The Helpline – March 2023

When animals are stuck in distress, the Wildlife SOS Rapid Response Units are always ready to respond to their call of duty. Throughout the month of March, our teams were busy with several rescue operations, including that of a monkey from a VIP location, a crocodile from human habitations, and owls from the high Himalayas. Along with these, our[…]

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Aquatic Birds Rescued And Released By Wildlife SOS

India is home to a multitude of birds, which occupy a variety of habitats — from wetlands and coasts, to forests and deserts. Rivers, lakes, ponds, marshes, and coasts are some of the aquatic environments that provide a suitable habitat for numerous bird species. Aquatic birds, simply called waterbirds, are those species that prefer to live in[…]

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Flushing Danger: The Mugger Rescue!

The Mugger or Marsh crocodile (Crocodylus palustris) has been considered one of the most intelligent predators in the freshwater ecosystem. They typically live in freshwater habitats such as lakes, rivers, hill streams, and ponds. However, due to increased human intervention in their natural habitat, these crocodiles have had to move to other[…]

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Indian Parakeets In The Net Of Illegal Trade

Life is beautiful, and a major credit to its beauty can be given to the palette of colours that we see around us. Similarly, the natural world teeming with biodiversity has its fair share of colourful inhabitants. Ranging from butterflies, moths, spiders and even various fishes, the wild hosts an array of vivid colours. But it’s tough to give[…]

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Eyes In The Sky: Know More About Flying Hunters

At some point in our lives, we must have heard of the term ‘birds of prey’. In fact, there is even a comic book superhero team of the same name! In truth, birds of prey abound in diverse ecosystems. These flying hunters are always on the lookout for a kill, one that’s going to be the next meal for their family. Birds of prey are classified[…]

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Rescues From the Helpline – January 2023

January came as a whirlwind for our Rapid Response Unit. The new year began with a barrage of rescue calls that kept the team members on their toes. Here are some of the rescues conducted across the Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR), Agra, Gujarat, and Jammu and Kashmir in the first month of this year.  Delhi-NCR In January, Delhi[…]

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Owls Mired In Myths And Wildlife Trafficking

They are mysterious, they are birds of prey symbolising raw power, and the way these nocturnal denizens fly without producing any sound makes them the perfect silent killers. Some look eerie, while others appear to be a friendly neighbour sitting on a tree and minding their own business. Owls have inspired the imagination of many and compelled a[…]

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Treatment Camp For Injured Birds During Makar Sankranti

In the month of January, Wildlife SOS collaborated with Eco Rescuers Foundation to host and fund a free Bird Treatment Camp in Malviya Nagar, Jaipur. The four-day camp was set up on the occasion of Makar Sankranti, a festival where bird casualties are at their highest due to rampant kite-flying. Through the camp, we were able to successfully[…]

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You Found A Baby Squirrel… What Do You Do?

Nibbling on food, grooming their tails, and fearlessly scurrying up trees — squirrels are a common sight to one and all. These grey-coloured, furry rodents produce a chip-chip sound to make everyone around them aware of their whereabouts. While they’re up to their antics, these animals do play a huge role in the ecosystem by assisting with[…]

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Remarkable Rescues Of The Indian Rock Python

The Indian Rock python (Python molurus) is a widely found species and they inhabit various ecosystems and habitats. It is the largest snake found in India, measuring up to 16-20 feet in length and weighing as heavy as 90 kilograms! They are primarily nocturnal and terrestrial, but these ambush predators can be selectively arboreal if the need[…]

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Civet Rescues Over The Years By Wildlife SOS

India is home to numerous civet species. Civets are carnivorous mammals that belong to the Viverridae family. Also known as toddy cats, civets are nocturnal animals, occupying a variety of habitats. The animal has several epithets attached to it — it is known as a gravedigger (Kabar Bijju) in Delhi, a baby stealer (Bhaam) in Kolkata, and an[…]

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Most Memorable Rescues From 2022

As we near the year 2023, we can’t help but wonder what an eventful time it was for the entire Wildlife SOS team. We take this moment to pay homage to our dedicated and hard-working teams striving  day and night to help save India’s wildlife. Read on as we highlight some of the most memorable and exciting wildlife rescues of[…]

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We Are Losing The Diversity Of Life

‘Biodiversity’ is a portmanteau of the words ‘biological’ and ‘diversity’, which is the sum of all living organisms on planet Earth. But as with other ecological crises, biodiversity is impacted by anthropogenic activities too. In fact, around one million plant and animal species are threatened with extinction today. This urgent[…]

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Ungulate Species Rescued And Cared For By Wildlife SOS

Ungulates are hoofed animals that prefer walking on their toes. The term ungulate is derived from the Latin word unguis which translates to ‘nail, claw, or hoof’ in English. As far as the native, extant, wild ungulate diversity is concerned, India is represented by two orders — Artiodactyla (even-toed) and Perissodactyla (odd-toed). While[…]

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Reptiles And Their Unique Way To Brave The Cold

As temperatures start to drop with the advent of winter, ectothermic animals start preparing for the change in season so as to adapt to the harsh and brutal cold. Ectothermic animals rely on the external environment to regulate their body temperature. Reptiles and amphibians are commonly known ectothermic animals who have to adjust to the[…]

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Rescue Highlights From The Helpline – October 2022

October was a month filled with rescues from VIP locations and one that was dominated by reptile rescue calls, especially snakes. The Wildlife SOS Rapid Response Units safely rescued and released the animals. The Agra team was overwhelmed with the highest number of calls received out of the four hotlines running across the country. Each of the[…]

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Rescues From The Helpline — September 2022

Throughout the year, our Rapid Response Units are hard at work responding to distress calls from across the country. The month of September was no different. From snake sightings to bird rescue calls — the Wildlife SOS helplines were quick to relay these to our on-the-go units who rescue animals from the most unusual places! Here’s a recap of […]

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Wildlife SOS Busts Illegal Trade Of Live Animals And Body Parts In Gujarat

From mammals and reptiles to birds, fish and corals — about 6,000 species of animals have been seized from illegal trade globally between 1999 and 2018. In India, most of the seized items that have been procured from animals include mongoose hair, snake skins, rhinoceros horn, tiger and leopard claws, bones, skins, whiskers, elephant tusks,[…]

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Unusual Snakes Rescued By Wildlife SOS

Wildlife SOS Rapid Response Unit carries out rescues from the most unexpected places, and of the most unusual species. They rescued over 300 reptiles from in and around Agra city in the months of September and October alone! Most commonly found reptiles include venomous snakes like the Spectacled cobra and Common kraits and non-venomous ones like […]

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Tracing The Evolution Of Crocodiles

“Crocodiles might be interpreted as something of an anachronism.”- Nature Wait, if you thought Nature herself said that, you were quite close. Only, this Nature is one of the leading scientific journals in the world on life sciences and evolution. Evolution is a prerequisite for living organisms, which ultimately makes them capable of[…]

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Festival of Lights Brings A Dark Time For Owls In India

Popularly known as the ‘festival of lights’, Diwali marks the beginning of a new year in the Hindu calendar. People all around India celebrate the festival by lighting lamps, exchanging gifts, distributing sweets, and worshipping Goddess Lakshmi. According to Hindu mythology, the Goddess uses an owl, specifically the Barn owl, as her vehicle, […]

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Myths, Misconceptions, And Misrepresentation Of Reptiles

Be it through stories, media, or culture, reptiles have held a complex representation since time immemorial. The Harry Potter franchise introduced us to the monstrous giant snake, the basilisk, haunting the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Lord Voldemort was also known to have kept a pet snake 'Nagini' who helped him ascend back into[…]

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Observing Wildlife In Urban Areas

We often tend to think that observing wildlife would require an expedition to far off and isolated places filled with natural vegetation. Perhaps because the word ‘wildlife’ is actually a combination of the words ‘wild’ and ‘life’. The tag of labelling a life form as wild is fundamentally a human concept. Interestingly, in most[…]

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Venomous Vipers of India

With over 30 species inhabiting various habitats across India, vipers are one of the most dreaded snakes. From snow-capped mountains and scorching deserts, to dense rainforests and human-dominated fields, these venomous snakes occupy a variety of landscapes. As members of the viperidae family, most of these snakes possess a common feature of[…]

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Rescues From The Helpline – August 2022

While our Rapid Response Units across the country are busy running a tight ship with their rescues, it is time for us to bring you the monthly updates from August and the fruitful results of their indefatigable efforts. The Delhi-NCR (National Capital Region) helpline was flooded with bird rescue calls , whereas the one in Agra received several[…]

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Snake Awareness Workshop For Hindustan Petroleum Employees

The Wildlife SOS team operating out of Vadodara, in collaboration with GSPCA (Gujarat Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), was invited to conduct a workshop centred around snake awareness. The two-day program was aimed to sensitise the employees working for the fire department at Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL). The[…]

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Rescues From The Helpline — July 2022

The dedicated team at Wildlife SOS continues to remain hard at work to mitigate human-animal conflict to the best of their abilities. There is no shortage of instances where the paths of humans and wild animals have overlapped and every month, we receive multiple calls on our 24x7 helpline numbers about such encounters. This month was no[…]

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Wildlife SOS Seizes Barn Owl In Gujarat Raid

The Gujarat Forest Department and the Wildlife SOS Rapid Response Unit, jointly run with the GSPCA (Gujarat Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), landed upon a golden opportunity to uncover illegal wildlife trade. In a covert operation, the team seized a Barn owl from wildlife traffickers in Kaprada village located in the Valsad district […]

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Helpline Rescues 2022 — A Recap Of The Last 6 Months

The Wildlife SOS Rapid Response Units across Delhi, Agra, Vadodara and in Jammu and Kashmir have been preoccupied. In the last 6 months, an outpour of calls on each helpline number have led to phenomenal wildlife rescues. From snake extractions to a series of anti-poaching raids along with state forest departments in order to recover illegal[…]

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Spotlight On The Spotted Owlet!

Spotted owlets are common across the Indian subcontinent. You can spot one peeping out of a tree hole, or an entire family huddled together on a tree’s branch! Both the male and female of this species look alike: they have greyish-brown upperparts and white spots overall. Compared to most owls, this owlet has a relatively smaller body[…]

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Confined Mother Langur Mourns The Loss of Her Child

The emotional similarities between humans and non-human primates are astounding. Much like humans, mothers in the society of Gray langurs play a pivotal role. Infant langurs need their mothers to provide them with all the love, care, and all the nutrients they need. Mother langurs are extremely protective of their infants. Another similarity[…]

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Animals That Welcome The Monsoon!

Each year, July is when we welcome monsoons with a sigh of relief. As the season bids goodbye to the harsh summers, it also replenishes our water sources and nourishes our agricultural fields. And it’s not just us who eagerly await the arrival of rains — rain awakens nature around us, birds chirp, seeds sprout, flowers blossom, and greenery[…]

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Ready, Steady and On The Go: The Rapid Response Unit

Megacities are a treasure trove of opportunities, with people coming from far and wide in search of livelihood, shelter and food. The pull of urban life is strong, not just for humans but also for other creatures that tread this planet. Though the city may be full of opportunities, it also poses life-threatening challenges, and one can never know […]

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World Snake Day: Know The ‘Big Four’

Serpentining through the forests, hissing with their forked tongues out, waiting to cast a deadly bite — snakes indeed have a haunting reputation. Some snakes produce venom to kill or paralyse their prey, defend themselves against predators, and even to digest food. With over 270 species inhabiting India, nearly 60 of them are venomous. Amongst […]

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You’ve Locked Eyes With A Snake. What Now?

While tending to tulsi and lavender plants that you so lovingly grow in your garden, you felt you were being watched. Of course, you’d be alert, because who wouldn’t? It’s a natural reaction to have after binge-watching gripping crime thrillers. You look around to find the source of the gaze when *gasp*…you lock your eyes with those of a[…]

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Helpline Rescues – May 2022!

May this year has been an action-packed month for the Wildlife SOS team. As temperatures rose, cases of wild animals in distress skyrocketed as well. Our team has been hard at work ensuring that no call goes unheard!  Animals At Peculiar Places in Agra!  Much like their human counterparts, wildlife in India sought respite from the […]

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Wildlife SOS Seizes Sand Boa In Wildlife Raid Near Gujarat-Maharashtra Border

Nearly 120 km from Vadodara, close to the Gujarat-Maharashtra border, an illegal wildlife trade racket was busted by the Wildlife SOS Rapid Response Unit from Vadodara, Gujarat, along with the Gujarat Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (GSPCA). The team rescued a pair of Red sand boas in this particular operation. The Wildlife[…]

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The Common Lizards Of India!

The word Lizard itself can run a chill down one’s spine. Even the sudden movement of a Common house gecko on the wall is petrifying! The daunting eyes, bulbous webbed digits, and the ability of the animal to lose and regrow its tail (!) contribute to an ever lasting fright amongst so many of us. However, this is not all there is to know[…]

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The Strange Snacking Habits Of Snakes!

If you, like us, are fascinated and intrigued by the jaw dropping (literally) ability of some snakes to swallow prey ten times larger than their heads (some can even swallow a pig!), then you’ve arrived at the right place. Snakes have some tricks up their sleeves—or should we say, up their sleek bodies—when it comes to their preying and[…]

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Central Asian Flyway: An Overview

When we hear the word migration in the context of wildlife, we immediately associate it with birds. While there are examples of various animals such as whales and turtles undertaking long journeys, bird migration is a widely studied topic. Migration is an adaptation that helps birds surpass hindrances such as extreme weather and shortage of food[…]

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Decoding Snake Venoms

Ophidiophobia is the fear of snakes. These reptiles have been the subject of misconceptions, causing many humans to fear them. But if we have to investigate the root cause of the fear, it will most likely narrow down to just one: the venom. Trying to understand what snake venoms are, and the role they play in the lives of these reptiles can help[…]

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Warming Kashmir Forces Snakes To Come Out

What if we told you that climate change is causing an increase in snake sightings in Jammu and Kashmir? The state is blanketed by snow in January and February when temperatures can drop below 0 degree Celsius. March marks the arrival of spring, and Kashmir usually experiences rainfall in the months of March and April, followed by summer in May[…]

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World Crocodile Day: Meet The Three Indian Crocodilians!

Ferocious jaws and armoured skin - crocodiles secure themselves with might in the wild. There are 24 species of crocodiles found across the globe. Gharials, muggers, caimans, and true crocodiles fall under the group commonly referred to as crocodiles. India is home to three crocodile species - Gharial, Mugger, and Saltwater Crocodile. Usually[…]

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Birds Need You This Summer!

Harsh. Sweltering. Unforgiving. Scorching. These are just a few of the many words being used to describe the heatwaves that have blanketed India in the last two months. The average temperatures, especially in the Northern parts of the country, have reached a shocking 50 degree Celsius! We’ve found solutions to beat the summer heat for ourselves […]

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The Big Picture Of Wildlife Trafficking

Kangaroos were spotted in India, and sure enough, they were all over the news! The recent seizure of kangaroos in West Bengal indicates that smuggling might be taking place in the region. Such large mammals are in demand mostly for their body parts as meat, for medicinal properties, and to create souvenirs Wildlife trafficking is a multi-billion[…]

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Reptiles Rescued From The Most Unusual Places!

Wildlife SOS works relentlessly to save India’s wildlife, through our helplines which run 24x7 in four regions of the country, namely Delhi-NCR, Agra, Vadodara and Jammu & Kashmir. During rescue operations, our various Rapid Response Units have had their fair share of unusual encounters. Reptile rescues form a large part of some of the most […]

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Lesser Florican: The Enigmatic Bird Of Indian Grasslands

The Lesser Florican (Sypheotides indicus) is a characteristic bird of grasslands, endemic to the Indian subcontinent. Locally, the bird is known as Kharmor (grass peacock) in Gujarat and Khar titar (grass pheasant) in Rajasthan. It belongs to the Bustard family, and is the smallest of all cousin species found in India. It inhabits the states of[…]

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