Bidding Adieu To Our Beloved Elephant, Sita

From day one, she turned our lives upside down. Sita’s 2,100 km journey to her new home with us, the maiden journey of our then newly designed elephant ambulance, began in the pouring rain. Torrential showers threatening to flood the city and sabotage the rescue, Sita and her companion elephant Mia were loaded by moonlight, during the briefest[…]

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Mia & Sita’s Progress at ECCC

As they stand together, tall and regal, their trunks swaying gently, occasionally testing the wind or offering each other a reassuring pat, it makes it almost impossible to imagine that Mia and Sita have only been free elephants for four months. They seem calm and carefree, content to bask in the warm sun and in the comfort of each other’s[…]

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Mia & Sita; The Newest Members Of Wildlife SOS’ Family!

Side-by-side on their shed’s cemented ground, legs restrained painfully, the two elderly female elephants cut a pitiable figure. Wildlife SOS senior veterinarian, Dr. Arun A. Sha, approaches Sita, the older of the two, and strokes her trunk gently before proceeding to examine her feet. Sita’s right front limb is outstretched awkwardly, the[…]

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Top 10 Moments from Mia and Sita’s Rescue

[caption id="attachment_9056" align="aligncenter" width="669"] #1 - Mia discovers that boarding a rescue truck is less scary when you've already made a new friend.[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_9037" align="aligncenter" width="420"] #2 - Sita dangles her trunk over the side both to get snacks and to wave at people she[…]

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Beginning Of A New Journey For Mia & Sita Elephants

Great News! We've rescued two new circus elephants, Mia and Sita from Tamil Nadu who are currently traveling in India's first modern custom designed elephant ambulance. It will take them a couple of days to reach their new home, the Elephant Conservation and Care Center, in Mathura as they cover over 2,100 kms from Tiruvannamalai in Tamil Nadu[…]

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Tackling Colic In Elephants At Wildlife SOS

Food passes through an elephant’s digestive tract slowly, and may take up to 24 hours to digest. Given the unnatural amount and variety of food that elephants in neglected captivity consume on a daily basis, it is not surprising that they often face grave digestive issues.  One of them is colic, which can become debilitating if left[…]

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Rescue From The Helpline — April 2024!

The Wildlife SOS Rapid Response Units are always poised to rescue injured or mistreated animals in need. April was no exception, with our team rescuing a total of 348 animals, including birds, reptiles, and various mammals. Our efforts spanned from rescuing animals illegally held captive to those affected by the intense heatwave and other impacts […]

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Creating Awareness: Leaving Imprints Everywhere We Go

The impact of information is more when it is shared amongst people. When knowledge about wildlife conservation is spread through discussions and communication, it empowers us to think and act. Did you know that leopards, the magnificent spotted cats, are classified as ‘Vulnerable’ by the IUCN Red List due to habitat loss and conflict with[…]

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Importance Of Tusk Maintenance In Elephants

Dental health isn't just a concern for humans; it plays a crucial role in the well-being of all rehabilitated animals. From brushing and flossing to prevent cavities, to addressing bacterial films on teeth, proper oral care is essential. Beyond dental implications, good oral health positively influences overall welfare as well, as bacteria[…]

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Remembering Shivani

In March 2024, our beloved leopard, Shivani, bid us farewell, leaving an indelible mark on all our hearts. As we at Wildlife SOS mourn the loss of an incredible leopard, our team looks back at the numerous cherishable memories she has left behind. As we recall Shivani’s lifelong journey at MLRC, we celebrate her inspiring resilience and[…]

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Sowing Seeds Of Awareness In Maharashtra 

Spreading awareness is an important aspect of animal welfare, and as an organisation committed to conserving wildlife, our aim is to place resolute focus on this. Large predators such as tigers and leopards are feared by humans, which in turn influences a hostile perception of wild animals. In many settlements, this leads to retaliatory attacks[…]

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Rescues From The Helpline – August 2023

August had our Rapid Response Units race against time to aid animals in distress. Operating across four states, for 24 hours each day of the week, these wildlife warriors have rushed to rescue a total of 585 animals in this month!  From injured ungulates to rat snakes, many animals fell victim to accidents and human-animal conflict.[…]

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India’s 1st Elephant Hospital in Mathura Completes 5 Years Of Elephant Care!

Inaugurated in November 2018, the Wildlife SOS Elephant Hospital Campus (EHC) is the first medical facility of its kind in India and serves as a model for improving elephant care worldwide. This facility marked the beginning of providing long-term medical care to rescued elephants with critical health conditions. In the month following its[…]

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Civets In The City: Unusual Rescues In Agra

Renowned for its historical monuments like the Taj Mahal, the city of Agra also has fascinating stories that deserve attention. Among the numerous wildlife rescue missions that take place, some of the most remarkable ones involve Asian palm civets. These elusive animals often find refuge in the most unexpected locations, leaving our Rapid[…]

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Shrinking Elephant Corridors Of India

The conservation of global biodiversity is currently in jeopardy primarily due to the loss, destruction, and fragmentation of natural ecosystems. Driven by the demands of a growing economy and an expanding human population, the Asian elephant, known scientifically as Elephas maximus, is facing a grave threat to its existence. The proliferation of […]

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Pangolins: New Member, Old Threats, Same Fight For Conservation

Manis mysteria. The mystery lies in the name itself! The elusive ninth member of the pangolin family had long been hiding under plain sight, before recently confiscated scales in Hong Kong and China revealed fascinating new information.  For long, it was thought that the highly endangered pangolin was deemed to have eight species — four […]

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Spotlight On Our Gentle And Genial Ganesh

In a quiet corner of the Manikdoh Leopard Rescue Centre (MLRC) resides Ganesh, a remarkable leopard with an extraordinary journey. His story reflects his incredible resilience and the enduring during friendship he has formed with his fellow resident and enclosure mate, Vitthal. Ganesh, a young and energetic leopard at the age of three, was […]

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Of Muggers And Men: Crocodile Rescues In September

Encounters between crocodiles and human beings have occurred ever since the very first civilisations cropped up around the freshwater bodies of the world. Already the rulers of riverines since the age of the dinosaurs, these reptiles have come closer to humankind as our populations grow and habitations expand.  To prevent human-wildlife[…]

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Trunk Tales: Mia’s Might And Will To Heal

Blinding lights. Deafening noise. The brutal strikes of a curved bull-hook biting into flesh. Far from the scent of forests, without the reassuring touch of a family member’s trunk. This had been Mia’s life for 42 years, till this pachyderm was rescued by Wildlife SOS and rehabilitated at the Elephant Conservation and Care Centre[…]

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Similarities Across Families: Convergent Evolution In Animals

What is convergent evolution? Well, imagine a dolphin zipping through the ocean at full speed. Now think of a shark, with a similarly streamlined body, cutting through the water. Turn your eyes to the sky, and witness birds and bats flit through the air as they chase their prey, escape from predators or go about their day. Birds accomplish[…]

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Converse To Conserve: Raising Awareness Through Training And Education At MLRC

There is no conservation without conversation. As human and animal habitations intersect due to diminishing spaces and resources, more and more wild animals are entering into conflict with Homo sapiens. To turn conflict into cohabitation in India, Wildlife SOS takes the essential route of dissipating proper knowledge and busting myths among local […]

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Fruitful Rescues! Frugivores Saved By Wildlife SOS

Don’t you love the taste of fresh mangoes or juicy watermelons in summers? Well, you are not alone! While fruits are delicious treats for humans, fruit-eating animals love to bite into them too! But what if we told you that the relationship between animals and fruits is much deeper than we thought. Some scientists have suggested that the taste[…]

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Brown Bears Of The World: Grizzly Present, Ominous Future?

How does a brown bear eat its prey? By using its “bear” arms! You may have switched on a nature documentary in which a family of grizzly bears hunt salmon. It is highly likely that the visuals include a mother with her cubs, or perhaps a young male looking forward to his first successful hunt. As the water from the river splashes against[…]

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Rescues From The Helpline – May 2023

From a sand boa stuck between metallic motor pump rings to a spotted deer lost in the open fields – our Rapid Response Units are here to save the day. Operating for 24 hours seven days a week, these rescue teams work tirelessly to relieve animals found in unfortunate situations. Our dedicated units rescued a total of 483 animals in distress[…]

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Leopard Awareness Workshop Organised By Wildlife SOS At TCL, Arvi

Leopards are the most adaptable of all big cats. Their size and stealth allow leopards to manoeuvre diverse topography. However with rising urbanisation, more and more felines are seeking out habitation in proximity to human spaces, leading to human-wildlife conflict. Locals near the Tata Communications Limited (TCL) guest house near Arvi had[…]

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Summer Falls: Rescuing Animals From Open Wells

As the scorching heat of summer envelops India, a silent struggle takes place deep within the heart of landscapes that were once heavily forested. While being a vital source of water, open wells have become treacherous traps for wild animals — from elusive jackals and majestic leopards to misinterpreted hyenas and venomous[…]

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Conservation Imbalance: Charismatic Megafauna v/s The Rest

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” George Orwell’s famous quote from Animal Farm aptly sums up the general attitude towards wildlife conservation. According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the lion’s share (pun intended!) of attention and media coverage goes to big[…]

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Indian Feliforms Rescued By Wildlife SOS

Mammalian carnivores can be broadly divided into Feliforms and Caniforms. Both evolved from a single line of tiny, tree-dwelling animals that lived on trees and on the ground. Being more of a prey than predator, these animals led nocturnal lives in fear of stronger carnivores in their habitat. However, evolution slowly separated feliformia and […]

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Forms Of Parenting In The Animal World

No one said that parenting is easy. If you think that we humans have it tough, then let's take a walk into the wild – where animals ranging from the largest elephant to the smallest tree frog are in a constant struggle to raise their offspring. For some of the animals, the familial duty ends right after giving birth. While certain avian […]

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Two Leopard Cubs Happily Reunited With Their Mothers

Imagine that you are walking through one of the vast sugarcane fields of Maharashtra. Suddenly, you hear soft squeaks within the tall grass. You approach the sound to find two small kittens… but wait! These animals seem different, with bodies covered with spots. It sinks in finally – you are looking at young leopard cubs! Leopard cubs are […]

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Rescues From The Helpline – April 2023

Rescue helplines are crucial lifelines for wildlife since they connect concerned citizens with skilled wildlife rescuers. These helplines play a significant role in providing distressed wildlife with another chance at life. The Wildlife SOS dedicated Rapid Response Units are always on the move, promptly responding to calls emanating from multiple […]

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Wildlife SOS Receives Silver Button from YouTube For 100K+ Subscribers

As one of the first Indian wildlife charities to reach over a hundred thousand subscribers on YouTube, Wildlife SOS has been awarded the Silver Play Button. This Creator Award from YouTube is a testament to the organisation's efforts to promote its cause on the well-known video-sharing website. The YouTube Silver Play Button was awarded to[…]

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Understanding Elephant Communication

The Wildlife SOS Elephant Conservation and Care Centre (ECCC) provides a safe haven for our majestic resident elephants. Here, they can employ their natural tendency to socialise and form close bonds with each other. What makes them further admirable is their astounding intelligence. The social aptitude of our resident elephants includes traits[…]

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Trunk Tales: Suzy, The Eldest Pachyderm At ECCC

The history of circuses and their treatment of elephants is a dark and sordid tale that spans many decades. For animals, bright lights and loud noises of the circus ring are a far cry from their natural habitat. Magnificent creatures from the wild were thrust into a life of captivity and servitude, all for the sake of human entertainment and[…]

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Batting An Eye For The Nocturnal Residents Of Delhi

Delhi has gone through several stages of urbanisation, albeit not in a positive direction for some of its original inhabitants. When the city was not there, the mighty Aravalli forests stood tall in its place, and the dense forests were home to numerous wild animals. As the green cover degraded and was slowly replaced by urban sprawl, the animals […]

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A Day At The Manikdoh Leopard Rescue Centre!

Recognised as one of the world’s eight hotspots of biological diversity, the Western Ghats or the Western Mountain range in India hold immense ecological and cultural significance. These ethereal mountains run parallel to India’s western coast, around 30 to 50 kilometres inland. A part of these magnanimous mountains makes its way through the[…]

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Venomous Vipers of India

With over 30 species inhabiting various habitats across India, vipers are one of the most dreaded snakes. From snow-capped mountains and scorching deserts, to dense rainforests and human-dominated fields, these venomous snakes occupy a variety of landscapes. As members of the viperidae family, most of these snakes possess a common feature of[…]

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Bear Of The Month – Zara

Over a decade ago, two young Asiatic black bears were found huddled within the trunk of a burnt Chinar tree. In a most unfortunate incident, the mother of the cubs was attacked by villagers who perceived her as a threat. Leaving her young cubs in the only safe place she could find, the mother bear tried to defend herself — but in vain. She was[…]

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The Common Lizards Of India!

The word Lizard itself can run a chill down one’s spine. Even the sudden movement of a Common house gecko on the wall is petrifying! The daunting eyes, bulbous webbed digits, and the ability of the animal to lose and regrow its tail (!) contribute to an ever lasting fright amongst so many of us. However, this is not all there is to know[…]

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Highways In The Sky: World Migratory Bird Day

From parks to backyards, from forests to agricultural lands, from metropolitans to rural areas, from snow-capped mountains to wetlands… birds are everywhere if you look around! They move from one region to another, without a care for human-made geographical boundaries, forming various habitats along the way.  Birds that fly long[…]

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The Right Way To Shoot: A Guide To Ethical Wildlife Photography

“Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. Kill nothing but time.” - John Muir With each stride in the forests, we are creating an impact. Over the last few years, a large number of people have been visiting the wild with their top-notch photography equipment to look out for something new and exciting to click. With an urge[…]

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The Elephant Who Loves Fiercely: Rhea, Elephant of the Month

 A tale about brutality, perseverance, friendship, and love - the rescue story of Rhea is truly one for the books. Today, as we celebrate Rhea as the elephant of the month, we take a journey down memory lane, recounting her journey to freedom. With all its ups and downs, Rhea’s story is in fact more than a mere tale, but rather a guide to[…]

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Drowning Leopard Rescued At Otur, Maharashtra

At the crack of dawn, a farmer in Otur of Pune district, Maharashtra, wakes up to do his daily chores. As he is about to run the motor pump on his well to water his crops, the sound of splashing water catches his attention. Curiosity peaked, he glances over the tethering edge of the well. As there are no protective walls around the well, the[…]

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Our Bear Of The Month – Mowgli!

This is Mowgli’s story, but this Mowgli is different from one in the popular children's book – The Jungle Book. His past is more harrowing, a tale which should make anyone teary-eyed. In 2017, a 10-week-old sloth bear cub was found nursing from his mother’s lifeless body outside the Sanjay-Dubri National Park in Madhya Pradesh. The mother[…]

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Veterinary Workshop On Elephant Welfare

Elephant care is a matter of urgent importance for wildlife conservationists in India. With the dwindling elephant population, the focus is not only on the preservation of the elephant population in the wild but also on the welfare of the substantial number of captive elephants that are present within human settlements. Keeping this in mind, a[…]

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Love (or something like it) In The Jungle

Love - a chemical and an arguably ephemeral experience, has dictated the ebbs and flows of society for centuries.  Infact one might argue that the euphoria of love and its constant desire has shaped human communities worldwide. Despite its importance, love eludes us, leaving even the greatest thinkers puzzled about its exact nature. Yet,[…]

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Elephant Of The Month : Asha

While Northern India is slowly feeling the drop in temperatures and longing for warmer weather, the mood at the Elephant Conservation and Care Centre in Mathura is quite the opposite. For our resident elephants winters is a time for warm oil massages, sun-bathing, long walks and mud baths, and Asha is no different! She enjoys going on her daily[…]

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Elephant of the Month: Mia

It’s been almost six years since the brave and vivacious Mia was rescued from the cycle of pain and misery she endured as a circus elephant. Reduced to a mere prop meant for human entertainment, Mia’s former life consisted of performances against her will, savage beatings under the guise of training, starvation and neglect by her[…]

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A Day in the Life of Nina

The elephants under our care at the Wildlife SOS Elephant Rescue Centres have a routine charted out for them to suit their needs. Their caregivers are always around to ensure that the elephants are comfortable and never stressed. Just like all our elephants, Nina also has a routine that she's steadily settling into and in fact, now eagerly awaits […]

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Tracing Arya’s First Year Of Freedom With Wildlife SOS

Making her way to the Yamuna riverside, blind Arya uses her trunk to trace the ground and carefully listens to the natural sounds around her. The excited chirping of birds and the soft current of the river water instantly calms her down as she lifts her trunk in delight. Zara, her dear companion and one of the youngest elephants under our care,[…]

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Caring For Young Elephants

What do Coconut, Laxmi, Ramu and Zara share in common? Apart from the fact that they’re all rescued from traumatic conditions, they are all highly mischievous and the youngest residents of the Wildlife SOS Elephant Conservation and Care Centre. Learn all about how we care for the young elephants. [Photo (c) Wildlife SOS/Mradul[…]

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50 Snakes Seized From Snake Charmers During “Shravan”

The month of August is a busy month for our rescue teams. As Northern India rejoice in the monsoon season and welcome the holy month of “Shravan, our team is involved in seizures of snakes in debilitating conditions during this time – a reality we have been facing each year, in spite of the ban on snake charming. Our rescue teams are on[…]

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Volunteers & Visitors: Frequently Asked Questions

Wildlife SOS Elephant Conservation & Care Centre (ECCC) Mathura, & Agra Bear Rescue Facility (ABRF) A  Application process  Please complete the online application process within the Volunteer page on our  website. Once you completed the required information fields and confirmed your  preferred volunteer[…]

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Elephant Of The Month – Maya

As one of our oldest and most experienced caregivers, Munna, gently calls out to Maya asking her to wait while he catches up and she immediately pauses in the middle of her step and lifts her trunk. Munna digs into his pockets and grabs a handful of peanuts to reward Maya for her cooperation and laughs to himself as they continue their walks[…]

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Leopard Rescued From Agra In Four-Hour Long Operation

Over the past few days, CCTV footage of a leopard running out of a house in Agra has been doing the rounds on social media. This left the residents of Sitanagar, a densely populated residential area in Etmauddaula in a state of shock and fear when they discovered this reality right in front of their eyes! The CCTV footage of the leopard[…]

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Elephant Of The Month: Bhola

In leisurely walks by the riverside, Bhola often pauses, his trunk lightly traces the soft mud that he stands on. The relief of the natural substrata was the most basic necessity that Bhola was deprived of.  Bhola spent decades as a begging elephant forced to navigate the narrow streets of a village, violently prodded by a bullhook. […]

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Celebrating Wildlife SOS’ Team Of Veterinarians On World Veterinary Day

It is believed that not all heroes wear capes, some of them don a green Veterinary scrubs and set out each day to ensure that the animals under our care are doing fine. The world calls them “veterinarians” but we call them “our wildlife heroes”! This World Veterinary Day, we take you on some exclusive insights from the veterinarians of […]

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Celebrating Rhea’s 5th Rescueversary!

By the time Rhea was rescued, she had lived over five decades in severe neglect and abuse as a performing elephant in a circus. Nobody is a stranger to the sheer brutality that is suffered by elephants for the sake of performing in front of an audience but for Rhea, the pain worsened after the curtains closed. She would be tethered to a filthy[…]

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Barn Owl Rescued From Maharashtra

Wildlife SOS and Maharashtra Forest Department have joined forces in rescuing animals in distress in Maharashtra. From rescuing Sambar deers in human habitation to hand-rearing orphaned leopard cubs, the unwavering support of Maharashtra Forest Department has facilitated the smooth rescue, release and rehabilitation of these animals. A barn[…]

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Follow Emma’s journey home to the Wildlife SOS Elephant Hospital

In the aftermath of Jai's successful rescue in record time, we are embarking on a new mission. At the cusp of 2021, our team is on its way to save Emma, an approximately 40-years old elephant who needs our help. Emma’s feet are in terrible condition and she lies down at every chance she gets just to avoid the pain. We know it has been just a […]

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Elephant of the Month: Suzy

In the words of Greek philosopher Plutarch - “….the elephant also is become man's plaything, and a spectacle at public solemnities; and it learns to skip, dance, and kneel.” We find ourselves agreeing most vociferously with the ancient historian. The use of these majestic animals by humans to their own advantage since time immemorial […]

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Maya Celebrates 10-Year Milestone In Her Road To Recovery

“They say an elephant never forgets. What they don't tell you is, you never forget an elephant.” Anyone who meets Maya will heartily agree with the above statement. Once you interact with the exuberant pachyderm, it is impossible to forget her vivacity and joie-de-vivre. As she stands tall and proud munching on fresh, juicy sugarcane next[…]

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Keeper of the Month: Shivaji Modhe

Considered the heart and soul of the Leopard Rescue Centre in Junnar, Maharashtra, Shivaji Modhe is the oldest member of the Wildlife SOS leopard care staff and has played an instrumental role in dedicating his entire life to the care of the majestic leopards. Presenting Shivaji Modhe, one of the first leopard caregivers at Wildlife SOS![…]

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Life Lessons from Animals on Teachers’ Day!

It is believed that everything that surrounds us imparts an important lesson, one way or the other. Surrounded by the pandemic, there has been a certain change of perception as we become a little more compassionate and conscientious to our environment and all its stakeholders. Each year, the 5th of September is celebrated as the Teachers’ Day,[…]

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Addressing the Needs of Ageing Leopards!

Wildlife SOS established the Leopard Rescue Centre in Junnar, Maharashtra, keeping in mind the increased incidents of man-leopard conflict in the proximity of the towns and villages. The land where these elusive big cats would walk free and unperturbed, now had sugarcane fields, human habitations and the endless reasons for man animal conflict. […]

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Elephant of the Month: Sanjay!

There is something majestic and regal about a tusker walking, in all his grandiosity. For wildlife enthusiasts, spotting a tusker in the wild is the high-point of their lives. However, the brutal trade of poaching and illegal wildlife trafficking has made these sightings in the wild rarer than ever. Of one such brutalising story is that of[…]

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Miraculous Recovery for Ailing Peacock with Help of Wildlife SOS Vets!

The COVID-19 pandemic has put the country under a complete lockdown with sealed borders that severely restrict movement, even for essential services, but that does not stop the team at Wildlife SOS from working non-stop to ensure that animals are rescued from distressful situations. As more people learn about our work, it becomes easier for them[…]

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Christmas arrives at Wildlife SOS Rescue Centres!

As Santa Claus found his way down the chimney awaiting some cookies and milk by the fireplace in houses all around the world, our teams at the Agra Bear Rescue Facility and Elephant Conservation and Care Centre, in Mathura, were no less than Santa as they donned bright red attires to bring Christmas home for our rescued elephants and bears. Like[…]

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The Caring Keeper of The Month: Prahlad

Prahlad’s journey with Wildlife SOS started four years ago along with Sita who was rescued from a circus in Tamil Nadu and brought under our care at the Elephant Conservation and Care Centre. Wildlife SOS also rehabilitates former elephant mahouts giving them opportunities to learn to care for the animals they work with by applying ethical and[…]

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India’s First ‘Elephant Memorial’ – A Unique Tribute To Abused Elephants

One of Wildlife SOS’s core priorities is to provide rehabilitative and hospice care to severely abused elephants, harmed during captivity and kept far away from the reach of any medical care or love and attention for their sore and afflicted bodies. Champa, the matriarch, was widely considered the inspiration for the creation of the Wildlife SOS […]

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Wounded, but wonderful – the story that is Bella

Rs. 7500 – the cost of a life, the cost of ruining one. Bella was purchased illegally by collective ownership in Sonepur mela, in Bihar. Thereon, started a life of torture and neglect for her in the small district of Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh near Lucknow. Presumably born into captivity and raised in one, Bella knew of nothing but to walk on hot[…]

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‘Lazy Genius’ Elephant of the Month: Laxmi

With just a mere glance at Laxmi, one is overwhelmed by her sheer gigantic size that exceeds even elephantine proportions. While it might incite people to use adjectives like cute, cuddly, cushiony to describe her, our team understands the gravity of her extra weight. Prior to her rescue in 2013, Laxmi was a begging elephant in the bustling city[…]

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The Underdog Elephant of the Month: Suraj

Every day during evening hours, our visitors and volunteers are left awestruck with the sight of a magnificent tusker silently walking to the centre after his evening walk.  His long, regal tusks never fail to catch one’s attention and leave them fixed in their tracks wanting an uninterrupted sight of him.  Our dear Suraj, however, remains[…]

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Celebrating 5 years of kindness with Raju

Come July and the eager anticipation of the monsoon showers marks the everyday mood of life in India. The rejuvenating raindrops bring the much-needed respite to the tired and withered souls from the harsh summers. Everybody collectively heaves a sigh of relief and rekindles their spirit. After facing nearly five decades of cruelty and suffering,[…]

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Luna Arrives at the Wildlife SOS Elephant Hospital

While all over the world people were readying themselves to welcome in the New Year with energized celebrations and new promises for 2019, a begging elephant named Luna was again spending her day working on the streets despite the unbearable pain that she was constantly in. Luna’s story is yet another tale of the suffering endured by begging[…]

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Meet Hatam, The Bravest Rescuer You’d Know!

Climbing five stories to get a rat snake out of an air conditioning vent, or jumping twenty feet into a well to rescue a drowning jackal, there’s no limit to where Hatam Bansal will go to rescue an animal in distress. We sat down with Hatam to get to know one of the bravest and most dedicated rescuers on our Agra rapid response unit. How did[…]

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A Farewell to Our Beloved Elephant, Lakhi

Winter had barely left Mathura in February 2015 when Lakhi arrived at the Elephant Conservation and Care Centre – she was over 60 years old, a blind former-begging elephant rescued from the streets of the city of Pune. She seemed timid, and nervous – blindness is an added burden for captive elephants that can never really tell where the next[…]

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One Month of Freedom at ECCC- Update on Sanjay Elephant

Just a month after his rescue in the first week of February 2017, Sanjay, formerly known as the Elephant With No Name, has much more than just a name to be proud of. His recovery, both mental and physical, is slowly but steadily progressing under the dedicated care of our wonderful veterinarians and the other staff at the Elephant Conservation and […]

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A Webinar On Sanjay’s Rescue

An urgent call on the evening of the fifth of February set about a chain of events that resulted in an emergency rescue mission to bring to safety an elephant who we now call Sanjay. Sanjay’s rescue was incredibly sensitive due to the nature of his story and the covert and urgent basis on which he needed to be brought to safety. This made it[…]

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Precious Four Retirement FAQ

We have received many questions from our supporters regarding the Precious Four since the announcement of their retirement. We are grateful for your concern and would like to try to address your questions with the FAQ below. Thank you again for your compassion regarding these beautiful elephants who have suffered so much. Is there any chance the[…]

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Kids & Conservation; Awareness Program In School

With the monsoons hitting the city, we find a large number of reptiles struggling to find shelter in the urban jungle, spreading panic amongst the city-dwellers. Therefore, as a part of our public awareness initiative, we conduct several programs and live demonstrations on snakes to make people aware about the species of snakes commonly found in[…]

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Himalayan Griffon Vulture Rescued From Kashmir

On the banks of the Dal lake in Kashmir, a massive Himalayan griffon vulture stretches out its wings, its massive 8-foot wingspan casting huge shadows on the ground as it attempts to thrust itself into the clear blue sky. Instead, it tumbles further towards the edge of the lake, and emerges struggling, with its feathers glinting with water. By[…]

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Webinar On The Rescue of Rhea Elephant

The month of April marked yet another milestone for Wildlife SOS since the launch of our Circus Elephant campaign in 2015.  Our team of experts and veterinarians embarked on an epic journey to rescue our 8th circus elephant – Rhea and bring her home to our elephant haven in Mathura. After spending nearly 53 years as a performing elephant where[…]

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Rhea’s Journey To Freedom

We've got some great news to share with you about Rhea, the circus elephant in Tamil Nadu who we've been trying to reunite with her sisters, Mia and Sita, at our center in Mathura. She has been rescued by our team and has been loaded on the truck safely, packed with loads of fresh fruits and buckets of water to keep her tummy full and hydrated[…]

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Rhea’s Life So Far In Captivity…

For nearly all 53 years of her life, Rhea has been a circus elephant, facing horrific abuse and neglect. Possibly poached from the wild as a calf, torn away from her family and herd, she spent the early childhood years of her circus life being beaten into submission, punished regularly and deprived of food and water. She was kept tied in confined[…]

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Keeper’s Workshop With Eric Peterson

At Wildlife SOS, the elephants that we rescue are generally in such dire conditions when they arrive at our centre, with bodies riddled with abscess wounds, overgrown nails and multiple injuries. Veterinary treatment is an essential part of their recovery, but can often be painful or stressful for the animals, as well as dangerous for the vets and […]

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Ever Since Suzy: Continuing our Circus Elephant Campaign

05th February2015. Everything around her was darkness. She could hear scuffling, urgent whispers, and the low rumble of a large vehicle pulling up beside her. She could feel hands on her tiny body, reassuring her and easing off the chains that held her in place. But she couldn’t see anything, it was all dark. The hands felt unfamiliar but[…]

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Meet Shivani, Our Strong Spirited Leopard.

25th January 2009. Rohidas Pawale is a poor farmer in the Belha village in Narayangaon district, Maharashtra. His sugarcane field stands tall and proud alongside the scrub jungles that once covered nearly all of the land in this area. From amidst the tall stalks of the crop, a tiny pitiful mewling can be heard, and Pawale tentatively enters the[…]

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Top 15 Rescues Of 2015

For Wildlife SOS, 2015 had its fair share of highs and lows, and brought with it all the memorable, pulse-racing moments of a busy year well-spent. Our teams, spread across India, are linked by a very special cause- rescuing wildlife in distress and bringing them to safety. These are the top 15 rescues we pulled off in 2015, thanks to your[…]

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India’s First Elephant Ambulance is On The Road to Freedom

The elephant peering over the walls of the truck makes quite a sight for the people zooming by in their cars. Her trunk occasionally sniffs the air as if to check what progress the vehicle has made on its cross-country journey towards the Elephant Conservation and Care Centre, Mathura. Mia has little idea where she is headed, or what lies in store […]

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Saving Snakes; Wildlife SOS Spreads Awareness At The Aga Khan Foundation

The Aga Khan Foundation in India is run by inspiring people doing amazing welfare work in the country, so when Wildlife SOS got a call from their Delhi office asking for help, we were only too happy to step right up. The office building of the foundation is located in the capital nestled alongside a Nursery, full of squelching mud, fresh saplings […]

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Livelihood Support To Kalandars In Uttar Pradesh

When Wildlife SOS’ Co-founders Kartick and Geeta first decided to start rescuing India’s dancing bears, they weren’t sure where to begin. The practice had been carried out for over 400 years, and the nomadic community that practiced it was dispersed across the country, forcing bears to perform in rural backwaters and streets all over[…]

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Meet Shubham, An Integral Part Of Our Kalandar Program.

Shubham has worked with Wildlife SOS for about two years now, assisting Rakhee Sharma with the Kalandar Rehabilitation Program. He can always be seen happily trotting from one state to another distributing school supplies and spreading smiles amongst the Kalandar families. We thought we’d talk to him to find out a little bit more about the work[…]

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It’s Raining Snakes in Delhi University!

When the monsoons hit the city, the Wildlife SOS rapid response unit knows they’re in for a hectic month full of snake rescues as the reptiles struggle to find shelter in the urban jungle they live in. The Wildlife SOS rescue helpline (9871963535) rings off-the-hook with concerned people alerting the organization to snakes trapped in their[…]

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A Serpentine Surprise At The Airforce Station

It was Monday morning, and the staff at Wildlife SOS’ Delhi office were settling in for another week of work. At 12:40 am, the hotline rang for the first rescue of the week. The person on the other end of the line sounded distressed and reported that she was calling from the Tughlaqabad Air Force Station and a snake had been spotted on the[…]

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Rescues and Road kill- Issued in Public Awareness

The Gurgaon-Faridabad expressway extends from Sikanderpur, Gurgaon to Pali-Bhakri, Faridabad, connecting major industrial zones, tourist destinations and corporate offices, as well as the Indira Gandhi International Airport. Since becoming operational in 2012, and with subsequent expansions and widening, the nearly 30 km long road has become a[…]

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Suzy’s New Life At ECCC

Suzy is a blind performing elephant that has suffered a lot of neglect at the circus where she was forced to perform. She was chained most of the time with little or no exercise. Suzy is approximately 60 years old and it is evident from her stereotypic behavior that she was subjected to mental torture and continuous chaining & confinement.[…]

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Delhi NCT Region +91-9871963535
Agra Region (UP) +91-9917109666
Vadodra Region +91-9825011117
J&K Region +91 7006692300
+91 9419778280